Cyberbullying: The Internet's Sin | Teen Ink

Cyberbullying: The Internet's Sin

March 12, 2018
By AraoOfAur BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
AraoOfAur BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Grief, strife, the internet, and death all relate to cyberbullying.

Most teenagers and young people go through cyber bullying in their life it is a terrible thing, most people should know that. Cyberbullying is a major issue in the United States, I myself have been through it. Cyberbullying should scare parents when they find out that it is happening to their child. Cyberbullying, sadly, can cause thoughts of suicide and death to young people, this should not be happening, children should live and thrive in their childhood. 14% of teenagers today have had thoughts of suicide and 7% have attempted it, do not let more of this happen. 13.2% of the world's population are teenagers (there are around 8 billion people in the world) if 14% of all the worlds teenagers have had thoughts of suicide from cyberbullying and other issues and 7% have attempted it, then around 147,840,000 teenagers and counting are in trouble and they need support and help.


What have authorities and parents done to stop this? Nothing, they have done nothing to prevent this from happening to young people. There are laws and sanctions against these atrocious acts, yes, but they are not enforced well enough. We need to better enforce these laws to prevent suicide in young children and teenagers. The Ryan Halligan case from 1989-2003, is a case which sadly resulted in the death of Ryan Halligan. Let me give you some context; Ryan was bullied for many years, a fight eventually ensued, and a friendship began between the bully and Ryan. Later, Ryan told his supposed friend an embarrassing story and the "friend" became a bully again and spread a rumor throughout the school. A girl began talking with him over the internet to gather more personal information from Ryan. This girl used the information gather to spread more rumors. Ryan sadly hanged himself in his family's bathroom on October 7, 2003. This is just one example of the many cases of cyberbullying in the United States. If we, the people of the world, do not enforce the laws against it and keep track of what young people and teenagers are viewing and saying to each other, more of these cases will occur and more teenagers will die. More cases such as Ryan's will occur. Their parents, their teachers, the world leaders, and even you, do not want to witness the deaths of your fellow classmates, your friends, your brothers, or your sisters, due to the nefarious act that is cyberbullying. Parents should talk with their child to make sure that they are happy and that they have friends to go to in times of need. Parents need to reinforce the school's anti-bullying policies at home with their children.


People of America, cyberbullying is a very serious problem in our country and it needs to be stopped. Sadly, it will not stop if parents do not monitor their children's social media pages and messages with others, if people do not do this more teenagers will be harmed. I know that we all care for younger people so please, help end cyberbullying.

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