Suicide Why? | Teen Ink

Suicide Why?

March 9, 2018
By Joyce's BRONZE, Joplin, Missouri
Joyce's BRONZE, Joplin, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Teen suicide is a big issue in 2018 and has been for awhile.There are too many kids in America feeling unloved,depressed, or unwanted. No person should feel that way that they are not 'wanted'. Bullying typically happens at school or in closed environments. Kids are feeling this way or is it social media? Or is it the own people we sit next to at lunch? Or is it even you? Ethereal way kids fell like commuting suicide is a way out or away to run away from there promblems. I think that if people are feeling this way they should be able to talk to someone about it without feeling scared or embarrassed. Yes, its hard to tell people about your promblems but in the end it all works out. In my town a total of 7 or 8 people have committed suicide this year. People who typically are depressed show signs of depression like with drawling from activities. If kids are feeling this way I think that people should be ok with talking to adults or other concludes and that the word suicide should be talked about and made cofterable because people make suicide sound like a bad thing when it really isn't people should feel loved all the time just like they should so they can feel like they belong.

The author's comments:

It's about how people should feel cofterable about going to someone if there having thoughts of suicide.


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