Modern Media | Teen Ink

Modern Media

March 9, 2018
By GGeazyyy BRONZE, Skdjf;aldskf, Florida
GGeazyyy BRONZE, Skdjf;aldskf, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In today’s world, modern media has almost completely taken over the young adults of this generation, things such as phones, laptops, consoles, and many more. With all of this new technology, there have come many good things this generation of teens.

Smartphones play a big role in this new era of technology, with brands such as Apple or Samsung. Smartphones, for young adults, are the most important piece of media they can have. Smartphones have the ability to give the user any information that they needed. If someone wanted to look at what the weather was, they could simply just ask their smartphone and it will tell them. Social media is also a big part of the smartphone era, with apps such as Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, etc. which are used for social contact with people anywhere in the world, and see what’s going on in someone’s public life.

With all of this new media there is a lot of good coming out of it. Having all this new technology makes life easier for people, such as school, or a job. With just a simple Google search, a student can found out anything they need to know for a research project. Someone who needs to make a sale at a job can just send a simple text and the order will be shipped.

In conclusion, modern media does have a huge impact on today’s society, the impacts may not always be good things, but they definitely have a lot more good things come out of it for any young adult

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