Modern Media | Teen Ink

Modern Media

March 9, 2018
By GGezz BRONZE, Weatherford, Texas
GGezz BRONZE, Weatherford, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Social media has been around since 1997, the first media site was called six degrees and it was at least the closest thing to be social media.

In my opinion i think today's modern media is good for us, i mean yeah there are some cons to go with it, but it's mostly good, because we could learn new things from it and we can know what’s happening around the world.

Also, if we didn’t have social media we wouldn’t know much about on what’s happening in other foreign countries because most people including teens use social media as a reliable news source.

Some bad things about social media is that it distracts many kids and teens in school during class and causes them not to finish their work and not learn anything.

In conclusion, modern media is bad and good for us in the ways that we use it.

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