Anthem Project | Teen Ink

Anthem Project

December 14, 2017
By haileysherman BRONZE, Chandler, Arizona
haileysherman BRONZE, Chandler, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Teen Ink,


We would like to share with others our thoughts on peer pressure and how the novel, Anthem, written by Ayn Rand is beneficial for teenage readers. Anthem is a dystopian fiction about a character named Equality 7-2521. Throughout the novel, he is on a mission to discover who he is. From the beginning, it was clear that Equality 7-2521 was different and didn’t fit in with the rest of his “brothers” because of his intelligence level. Most would think that it’s a gift to be smart and that he should feel proud of his uniqueness. However, in the society he is a part of, everyone strives for sameness and it’s a sin to be different from the rest. It would take a lot to push past that and have enough courage to make choices for yourself when the entire society is forcing you to the opposite.

Every day, thousands of teens are being offered to drink, smoke, to join a gang, and even to shoplift. They are a part of a society, like that in Anthem, where you are expected to conform to what their peers are doing to fit in.  When incidents like this occur, many teens feel social pressure and say “yes” or take the offer because they want to avoid standing out. When teens make decisions based off of what others will think of them, they are forgetting that they have the right to make their own choices. If teens read Anthem, the novel can show them that it is okay to stand out and be different from the rest of the crowd. The main character, Equality 7-2521, can be a great role model and have an effect on how teenage readers feel about being different from others. This is beneficial, since everyone has their differences and the novel can show readers how to accept themselves as a person.

Clearly, the novel Anthem is a very important read for teenagers and can be beneficial/make a positive influence on their lives. The pressure to fit in and be the same as their peers is very similar to the pressure Equality faced in his society to be the same as his fellow citizens.  His courage to display his uniqueness may inspire other teens to break free from the pressure of conforming to peer pressure.  Teens can connect with Equality 7-2521 and use him as an influence on them because of the way he handles himself when he discovers his uniqueness. Equality doesn’t hide the fact that he is different, he embraces it and forgets about the pressure he faces to act and think the same as his brothers. If you publish our thoughts on this novel, many teens may be inspired to read Anthem and may learn a positive lesson on individuality and uniqueness.

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