Changing School Start Times | Teen Ink

Changing School Start Times

February 2, 2017
By tianarosalie BRONZE, Lowell, Massachusetts
tianarosalie BRONZE, Lowell, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Changing school start times by J 

What stood out the most for me was that teenagers sleep less than 7 hours a night. That’s not enough sleep for anyone. Most teenagers stay awake on their phones or play games and don’t get enough sleep and it causes them to have bad grades.

In the essay it says, “The natural sleep foundation conducted a survey this year that found 58% of 15 - 17 year old often sleep less than 7 hours a night”. This did not surprise me because lot of teenagers stay up late and are tired in the morning and wake up late. I can connection because I find myself not getting enough sleep and I get 9-10 hours of sleep. I can only imagine how tired a teenager who only sleeps 7 hours must feel.

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