Homelessness | Teen Ink


January 29, 2017
By Bibi_Sayed BRONZE, Clarkston , Georgia
Bibi_Sayed BRONZE, Clarkston , Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear, Society & Homeless people

Today I would like to share with you some information and advice and ways you can prevent and help homeless people.I would like to state my number one concern and outrage over the increasing amount of homeless people out on the streets of cities.Every day wherever I am going I see people laying across the sidewalk, tent cities, human feces, and the faces of addiction due to the amount of drugs being used because of stress. Worst of all this is very unsafe because homeless people can get sick easily and they can be the main target of being killed or arrested. What is one way that I would like to address this problem is the residents of this city can no longer feel safe. I know people are frustrated about what's happening in the city, but the reality is, we live in a free market society. The wealthy working people have earned their right to live in the city. They went out, got an education, work hard, and earned it. I shouldn’t have to see the pain, struggle, and despair of homeless people wherever I go. But we can change that by giving them a chance to change their living matter and life. We can find homeless people that are willing to have a better life and help them start it by providing them with food, shelter, water, clothing, and a decent job that they can have to help support their self to pay for bills and other needs they may have.


The second way I would like to address this problem is that I would like to Register people who are homeless to vote. Organizing or participating in fundraising drives for local service agencies.Incorporating skills to aid in efforts of housing first programs or supportive housing programs. Recruiting others to join your efforts. But in order to make a change as soon as possible, more people have to act on this issue about helping homeless people and ways of preventing it from over expanding. If we do not act on this and make a little bit of a difference then it could get or look horrible on the streets we live it may be very dangerous.And more overcrowding of homeless people around streets of every neighborhood may be seen and there may be more violence going on. Also, there may be a lot of deaths due to the lack of not having food, water, clothing, and shelter. This is a letter i wanted to write to inform you about homelessness on the streets of this world.

Thank you and sincerely,

  Bibi S.

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