Heroes Do Exist | Teen Ink

Heroes Do Exist

December 20, 2016
By Alexis2018 BRONZE, Mt. Victory, Ohio
Alexis2018 BRONZE, Mt. Victory, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A princess clings to a cliff edge as her captor stomps on her fingers, and out of the blue comes a white horse galloping with a prince to save the damsel in distress.

“Help!” the princess screams.

“I will save you!” says the prince. This is a scene that plays out in fairy tales that children read as they grow up. As people get older they realize that life is not a fairy tale. I am certain that veterans and those currently in the military know more about life than most civilians in the United States. Heroes are not just princes in shining armor or superheroes that shoot out of the sky to save a damsel in distress. They are ordinary people that go out of their way to improve the lives of others. A hero is not just a do-gooder, but a title bestowed upon a person to emulate the work and determination they have for a cause.  

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary the word hero is defined as a person who is admired for great or brave acts or fine qualities. In America, the term hero is not used frivolously, it should be used for those who have acted with courage and bravery. Hero, a noun, functions as a term of endearment towards a person or animal who performed a courageous act. When the word hero is heard it evokes a sense of pride upon the organism in which the name was bestowed. Being a hero does not constitute that you are a soldier. A hero can be a teacher, librarian, or dog walker as long as they have positively influenced a community through their work. 
There are four parts to the acronym H.E.R.O.: humble, elevated, respectful and observant. This acronym positively reflects the values of heros around the world. The first part  to the acronym H.E.R.O. is humble, showing that a person does not think that they are better than other people. Next, they must be elevated, meaning they should be put on a pedestal as well as that they should carry themselves with honor and integrity. The third part of the word hero, is being respectful because when you come into the spotlight there are going to be people with the opposing opinions and it is key that the hero respects their views. Being observant is crucial in the life of a hero because more times than not a hero has seen some type of war or tragedy and being observant helped them navigate the proverbial, and sometimes literal, minefields of life. These four parts are the epitome of the term hero because they highlight the key points every hero should have.

In writing, synonyms are important to diversify vocabulary used in works. The word hero has various synonyms including lionheart, warrior, and even man (woman) of courage. These terms help authors and speech writers directly highlight certain qualities of a person or organization that correlates with being a hero. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, lionhearted means extremely brave which directly reflects the key points that make up the person, that is a hero. Each of the synonyms has a regal connotation that symbolized the shear gratitude expressed by citizens of the United States of America. The military emulates these synonyms to a tee because they are held to a high standard not just in the U.S.A. but in other countries as well.

America has went through tumultuous times in the last decade but throughout those times the military was the constant. Those men and women who have served or are serving diligently are heroes because without them the United States of America could have been attacked more maliciously. Whether it was service in the homeland or on the front lines in the Middle East, the soldiers individually had an impact on the outcome. Without the individuals their would be no teamwork because soldiers have to be confident with themselves in order to trust others with their lives. Soldiers do not have to be on the front lines of every battle to be a hero; men and women may not ever see the action of battle. What soldiers do behind the scenes keeps those on the front lines safe and vehicles running is a huge feat. This point not only reflects the heroic acts of the current military, but those who served previously.

Veterans have a special place in my heart. Each of my grandfathers spent time in the military. My paternal grandfather spent time in Germany after World War ? to make sure peace was fully achieved. My maternal grandfather was in the army and was stationed in West Virginia. I grew up hearing stories of basic training and about excursions in the woods for weeks at a time. Veterans are a special breed of people because copious amounts of them signed up for the draft knowing they may never see family again. The shear amount of patriotism that it took to sign their lives away is insurmountable. Those who gave their lives paid the ultimate price for the freedom citizens have and for that I thank them. Anyone who fought in wars or conflicts previously and currently have earned the coveted title of a hero.

With great respect to those who have been rightfully named a hero, there are some aspects of the world that a hero should never participate. In this day and age people neglect to realize the sheer amount that the military and police forces do for the citizens of this country. This disconnect is a direct correlation to the villain that is social media. Social media has manifested itself into a monster that absorbs a majority of the country by enticing them with the next big technological movement or up to date celebrity gossip when they think they can break the mold of the technological era the mandibles of the monster snaps them back into the conformity of society. A Hero is not the actress who plays a role in a new movie or the singer who just dropped a new album. The Instagram model who is promotes a certain brand of clothes does not reflect the attributes that a true hero from the military has. A hero does not commit the act of treason against their country. Heroes should honor their country, without the freedoms in the United States Bill of Rights the title may not have been bestowed upon the heroes. On who does wrongful act shall not be called a hero because men and women have lost their lives defending our country and acting illegally defaces what America stands for. A hero should never ignore their civic duties like voting and participation in courts as a jury member. These points keep the term hero pure as the freedom our founding fathers fought for during the formation of the country.

The word hero has a special place in my heart, and I will not use is it frivolously. Someone I can look up to and mirror my life after, is a hero to me. A hero has strong attributes that make them to notch leaders and achievers. Heroes can be anyone who has a positive impact on the lives of others. Due to the work they have done to achieve the title a hero, they should be held upon the highest pedestal. In this day and age heroes often go unappreciated and I can not stand to let that happen. Thank you to all the heroes, veterans, and those currently serving in the military for all the wars and battles fought. Each time that someone says that a celebrity is their hero think about the soldiers who fought for the freedoms of this country. Are celebrities real heroes?

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by Veterans Day in my community.

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