Animals Are People Too | Teen Ink

Animals Are People Too

October 26, 2016
By McKenzieC98 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
McKenzieC98 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Right now there is a non-human animal somewhere being mistreated, tested on, or killed. This could be prevented by enacting a Bill of Rights for nonhuman animals. Nonhuman animals can’t defend themselves or speak up to stop their abuse, this Bill of Rights will do that for them.

It is our right as a superior species to protect and defend inhabitants which we share our world. Animals are being murdered for senseless reasons. Rhinos are hunted for their horns, Elephants for their tusks, Tigers for their fur, and countless other wildlife that should be protected and left to live full lives where they belong.

Due to the constant cruelty being done to these animals, there needs to be laws in place to defend and protect them. Humans have them, so why shouldn’t other animals?

An argument may be “But in the wild, animals don’t have mercy on other species so why should humans?” well those animals are in the wild, they have to kill to survive. Humans don’t have to kill to survive, they kill for sport, entertainment, or fashion. Whatever our reason, if it’s not for food animals should not be killed.

Animals being killed for food purposes should still be treated with the respect they deserve. If we look back to some native tribes, the way they typically hunted and killed was in a respectful way. They knew they were taking a life, a valuable and precious life, but they also knew they needed food. So they payed their respects without mistreating the animal.

Why do we not recognize that animals are in fact alive and conscious? Some people may argue they don’t have a soul, I would ask them how they define a soul? A soul is not scientifically proven to be real, but emotions are. 

Emotions are proven to be very present within animals. Elephants for example, grieve and mourn the death of a family member, often mothers are found staying by their child's remains for a period of time. Killer whales cry and screech if their young are taken from them.

Since 2012 there’s been scientific proof that nonhuman animals do in fact have consciousness (Cambridge Declaration). Some doubt if animals have consciousness and there’s proof that will silence those doubts. If you need scientific explanations for everything I suggest you take a look at this document which declares animal consciousness.

Now thinking about nonhuman animals being abused, tested on, and neglected is thought provoking and hopefully gets you wanting to make a difference. When humans are feeling neglected or abused they speak up and protest and do whatever they can to fix their problem. Non-human animals can’t speak up, protest, or fight back. If non-human animals fight back, they are put down out of human fear.

A film came out in the year 2013 by the name of Blackfish which talks about killer whales being put in captivity. This film mentions a killer whale by the name of Tilikum who has been kept in captivity his whole life. If we were to put ourselves in his situation we can come to understand why he has done what he did. Tilikum has killed and injured many trainers, which is sad and non excusable. However he has also been kept in a tiny concrete box in isolation his whole life. Naturally he would be in a pod of killer whales, swimming freely and without the stresses of performing or always being on best behavior.

If Tilikum were a person, and was kept in isolation his whole life until he was needed to perform in front of an audience, that would be considered slavery. When he performs the audience can see he is depressed, he is slouchy and has a tired look in his eye. Tilikum as a human would be fought for, people everywhere would band together to free this person they may not even know. Why? Because his situation is wrong! And he has no rights because he’s a whale.

A Bill of Rights needs to be in full effect for non-human animals everywhere. They need voice because they aren’t able to speak for themselves.

The author's comments:

This was an assignment for school. I had a prompt that asked me to write about if I thought that animals deserve a Bill of Rights.

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