Just a Color... | Teen Ink

Just a Color...

May 21, 2016
By Anonymous

I just have to write because I have something to say. Something I feel I have to say. Why does race matter so much? Yes, you could argue it has to with your cultural identity etc., etc. But actually that's your ethnicity. Look it up. Race is based on minute, and basic biological differences. In an even more basic form, just a color. A color that continues to divide America and even the world. So, now I want you to think about something for a second. What is the first thing you notice about a person? Nine times out of ten it's skin color… isn't that sad? A color. If you ask a child they say something different. They just see a person. A human being. Nothing more. Doesn’t this show these differences are learned? Hatred and vengeance are learned. Yes, history plays a major part in this, but do past actions determine future ones? Yes, they influence them but they don't make them. They don't force us to make a decision. They don't force us to hate. We have a choice. A choice to take a different path than the past but nooooo. We just keeping making the same damn one. How come when you look at me, all you see is what I seem to stand for, what I am supposed to stand for based on what society says…? You don’t really see me. Please! That’s all I ask. See ME. Not my amount of melatonin. We keep dividing and classifying and categorizing things that aren’t even there. They’re only there because we continue to put on rose-tinted glasses. Every time you outline differences based on the slightest difference in the amount of melatonin a person has or their hair shaft you make the wall between us wider and taller. Stop judging people on a color and judge them on who they are inside. History happened. But it doesn’t determine the future.

We do.

The author's comments:

I just want people to see each other as people. As human beings.

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