Technology Is What We Make It | Teen Ink

Technology Is What We Make It

April 30, 2016
By N8mik BRONZE, Pontiac, Michigan
N8mik BRONZE, Pontiac, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When you think of the word technology, you probably think of things that you use and have like your phone, your Xbox, or even or TV. Technology is very easy to obtain and most people we know have it. In fact, you are using some kind of technology to read this right now. In the U.S.A. right now, 68% of adults have smart phones and from now that number is only going to be going up. As you can see, a lot of people have technology and they all use it for different reasons but they can all agree that it is something helpful and it is not hurting them. I'm going to tell you how these people might be wrong and how technology can hurt us if we do not make a change.


Social Media has the word "social" in it but, it is making us exactly the opposite of that. Some kids go onto these social medias and talk to their online friends and there real friends over it. This may look like being social from the outside but when you think about it, these kids are getting very little real life social interactions and are going to struggle when they have real life social interactions because all they know are the fake ones online. Having a little social skills going into life is really going to hurt these kids because they are going to struggle doing normal social things because they were raised with the fake online ones. It can become so bad that they might even have trouble getting a job because they will not know how to act during an interview.


Did you know that some kids spend 9 hours a day on social media? This is a mind blowing fact and just shows how bad this problem is becoming. If you spend 9 hours a day on social media 7 days a week, that is 63 hours a week! Just think of all the productive things that the kids can do instead of looking a screen for 63 hours a week. Kids may feel stressed about school, homework, and other things going on in their life because they are on social media instead of doing what they have to do.


Now this is not all the kids fault even though some of it is. Another big part of the problem is that these children's parents let them use there technology for this much time. I think that all kids should have a little break time and time to relax and play with their technology, but when you start playing with your technology more that you are doing your school work, I feel that there is a problem. All it takes is for the parents to tell the kids that they can only play on their technology for so long and after their work is done.


Technology is what we make it and it can be something that helps us, or it can be something that hurts us. There is a lot of technology that helps people everyday and there is a lot of technology that is fun to use and helps people talk to each other. The problem comes in when people (mostly kids) do not know when to stop using it. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you think about what I said and try to help make technology help us instead of hurt us.

The author's comments:

I hope that this will be an eye opener to some people and will help them see that technology can become a problem 

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