Racist World | Teen Ink

Racist World

May 3, 2016
By kay.kay.17 BRONZE, Dublin, Other
kay.kay.17 BRONZE, Dublin, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Racism sucks. So many people in this world are racist, and it makes me sick. A few years ago, my dad was getting his car washed. He stood next to some dude while a group of Mexican men washed their cars. The guy next to my dad started laughing. My dad turned and looked at him.

“What’s so funny?” He asked.

“Just how bad Mexican people are at washing cars,” My dad’s face turned red. “I could do way better than these guys,” The man flaunted.

“Then go do it yourself!” My dad yelled. The man turned and got into his car. “Oh and by the way, nice murse!” The man swore before shutting his windows.

It still amazes me that people act like this. What has this world become? Do we now live in a world where if we’re not the same color or race, we have the right to degrade each other? It seems like it’s everywhere now. Only a few days ago I was sitting in the flex room trying to take a test, while some stupid kid sits there making racist jokes. I was appalled. I wanted to scream at him so bad. But I collected myself and told him to stop.

“Why?” He looked at me.

“We’re trying to focus in here and take a test, and you’re sitting here making racist jokes that no one thinks are funny!” He laughed, rolled his eyes and left.

Racism is so old! I was watching a YouTube video on racism before I even thought of starting this speech, and I was in tears. It sucks living in a world where we’re made fun of for being a certain color. The definition of racism is, prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. Weird huh? I don't know how someone can bring themselves to believe that they’re better.
Our minds aren’t born racist, we chose to be. This I believe.

The author's comments:

We wrote a speech for my L.A class. I decided to post it here.

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