Social Media Communication | Teen Ink

Social Media Communication

April 21, 2016
By Anonymous

Social media has helped our way of communicating with each other. We are talking to friends or family that live far away from us and meet new friends too, it also lets us tosee their lives and what goes on with them, also has allowed us to makle new words and abbreviate others.

How social media lets us talk to friends and family that live far away or down the street is it lets us communicate with them on app built driect messaging like Instagram/ snapchat or add on apps like Facebook with messenger and as for meeting new friends can use the meet new people some apps offer. Social media also lets us to do that like with Tinder or Match.

Social media allows us to see friends lives by what they post on like Facebook, instagram, and twitter. It allows ut to see what they've been up to and allows them to share their memories and where they've been to and who they've been with and it allows people in the future to see in the past on what their parents and grandparents have done and where they've been to and with who they were there with.

 Social media also allows us to make new words and abbreviate others is by making them more common and used by people who take fondness to new words and that in turn rubs off on people then they start using it and social media also changes the meaning of words too by taking the original meaning and changing it like with the word rachet which is a tool and people have took it and changed the meaning to ugly. We have also abbriviated other words thanks to social media like with L.O.L which means laugh out loud and u which is you.

Some people say that social media is harming people's ability to communicate with others with some people thats true cause it has harmed them but with the majority it hasnt harmed them at all cause they are using social media along with talking face to face because some people cant see friends or family often cause they live far away or across town.

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