Money | Teen Ink


April 11, 2016
By Anonymous

Money. It’s provokes many feelings. For me always frustration. Not because I didn’t have it, I'm fortunate in that sense. Frustration because my Mother was constantly talking about it. My Mother and I disagreed about almost everything. But I didn’t resent her about politics, health, or family but money I couldn’t help myself. She relied on money, not happiness, not love, money. It’s the reason she had a divorce and it’s also the reason she remarried and didn’t divorce again. Not only was money her backbone, she didn’t trust people with out it. She believed people with minimum wage jobs were all uneducated and unrightfully asking for more money. I brushed most of her advice and opinions off, but it was like that chip was glued to my shoulder. She constantly reminded me that whatever I chose to do when I was older better provide a good salary. I’m not convinced she likes her job. All I know is that she likes, money and manipulation. So sales was perfect. She is a good liar, one of the best. Her complicated past proves it. I didn’t know she had a step-dad who died, or 2 brothers until 8th grade. Maybe this is why I’m a good liar. When I asked her about her family she smiled and switched the subject, or more accurately turned the tables on me. She said something about me not trusting her, and how I was always disrespectful of her and her opinions. She wasn’t wrong but since I wasn’t expecting a gun to fire, instead a white flag, I said no more. You see she always believed, and still does money buys happiness and love. All it buys you is a couple of vacations, material objects, and crap no one needs. Yes in small amounts it saves your life, food, water, shelter, warmth all that good stuff, but all it’s really caused is long-term frustration.

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