Disgust | Teen Ink


April 7, 2016
By NutellaLuver BRONZE, Hoffman Estates, Illinois
NutellaLuver BRONZE, Hoffman Estates, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments


What kind of world do we live in where one doesn't respect others. A world where one is confused about their sexuality, scared to come out because of the people by him, scared about everything around him, scared about the society, scared that the perceptions, scared that life as he knows it will change. Scared that people around him won't accept him for who he is..imagining the word "f**" just swirling down and piercing him all over like spikes set by the rules of this damned society.

What kind of world do we live in where a woman is grabbed by her neck thrown on the road beaten, slaughtered, ravaged, consumed, prayed like a mouse caught in the talons of a falcon. Rape. The bruise that never heals the body or the heart. That woman didn't do anything to deserve that, she was just going home to spend a day with her family after a long day's work, a woman who is the main source of her family’s prosperity, a woman who is bearing the burden of a family like Atlas bearing the burden of all sinners on his broken shoulders. Did she deserve this? No, but instead she has a rod shoved into her, she was a source of enjoyment for men who were selfish enough to cause this pain, who only cared about their enjoyment and not the dignity and respect of a women. To them, she was not seen as the hard-working, caring, women who deserved every ounce of respect that any other human weather it be the president or a beggar on the street. She was an object. A rag doll.

What kind of world do we live in where a kid is on the cold hard tile of his house, crying to his mother, "I don't want to go to school tomorrow.” School is a place where the future is produced. The future of innovators, the future of philosophers, the future of accepting humans. However, this school is now an environment where children are prayed upon for being different by others. Difference is said to be ok, but then why are difference being frowned upon? A trait that is not worth mentioning? A trait that allows  monsters to harvest upon his innocent soul. This kid has no one to play with at recess because of his personality. The personality that he grew up with, the personality he is told makes him for who is . This kid is taunted, scared, tormented, ripped apart...Bullied. Bruises might go away after 2 weeks...but a phrase like "F***ing terrorist, go kill yourself," will always be the scar that he has to recall with pain. How do I know this? Because I recall this everyday.

See right now I’m sitting down on my bed typing this...my friend just came out to me, but he's afraid to tell others because of how they would react.  I read news about a Rape in India once again, a country that prides in its women but does not give the social justice that it gives to men. I remembered being bullied when my friend started crying to me about kids in her class tormenting her because of her culture and ethnicity. I felt the thorns pecking at my heart when I was the new kid in my class, coming from a land far away with no friendships or non-family related relationships, coming to this country with nothing but a new slate that was already spat upon without being given an opportunity.

I wish there was a world where he can go open and be proud about his sexuality, knowing that he was made this way, and gender is indifferent to love.

I wish there was a world where a woman does not have to be scared to walk through a gang of men without feeling that they are going to rape her.

I wish there was a world where my peers and classmates would stop preaching that they would never tolerate bullying, and actually take action when it happens and set an example.

I wish no others would have these complaints like my friends, for if my other wishes were to come true, then this one would also.

The author's comments:

A story of true occurances that have plagued the mind of an individual. 

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