Life Is a Perspective | Teen Ink

Life Is a Perspective

April 1, 2016
By Anonymous

Why do guys turn up their noses at the first sight of a good girl? Just because they are a good girl doesn't mean they don't have a wild side. They go for the girls they know won't last. Is it just to say that they've got another girl under their belt? (No pun intended). But I guess girls are no different, are they? They want the bad boys that do all those crazy things. They want something that will make them feel alive as all those songs go. They think the bad boys can give them something that the good ones can't, and maybe they can, but that isn't the point.

Human's have many masks. We don't always know what we're in for until in it. Those masks hide something... what we really are. Maybe that bad boy is actually really smart and has a big heart, but doesn't want to be seen as weak. What if that good boy would rather be ditching school and really living life, but knows he will get beat at home that night if he does. 

This story has been told a million times over and everybody has their own perspective on it. But I guess that's the point, isn't it? We all have our own perspective. What is real and fake belongs to our perspective. I'll leave you with that.

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