A Philosophy on Fear | Teen Ink

A Philosophy on Fear

March 11, 2016
By PilotOfLife BRONZE, Lexington, South Carolina
PilotOfLife BRONZE, Lexington, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It's hard to say hello when it hurts to say goodbye.

Nothing is more poisonous than that one moment. The moment you realise that everything that you've been striving for in life isn't, in fact, worth working for. We attempt to protect ourselves in hope that we'll be shielded from the evilness of the world, but unfortunately we all have to wake up from our cloud 9 esc dream, and when you have to take off your rose tinted glasses, and realise that all you thought you had in your grasps is way farther away from you than it is from the alcoholic bum that lives in the back alley garbage pit. But for some reason, we still run after the falsified imaginated concept of a utopian life on Earth. We chase after a thing we know isn't real, and we know that it's pointless, but the pain of the unknown will be unbearable, and it will wreck your mind and break your body.


We lie to ourselves as a society and say that there is more than one thing to fear in life and death. Public speaking, the fear of falling, the fear of spiders, and the fear of what happens after death are just a few of the many listed lies that we tell to everyone. The truth is that the only thing to fear is in fact the Unknown. It truly is the only thing that we fear. Public speaking is the fear of not knowing if you'll slip up while speaking and not knowing how the audience will react to you. The fear of falling is the fear of not knowing if we'll be injured by the fall, how far we will fall, and how fast we will fall. The fear of spiders is the fear of not knowing if a certain spider is poisonous or not, and ,if it is, we fear it if it'll bite us or not and what will happen afterwards. The fear of death is simply full of things we don't know. When will we die, how will we die, and what will happen after we die are just a few of the various things we don't know about death. There are so many things we claim to fear but all we do fear is the Unknown. The limitless and vast darkness of the things we can't even attempt to comprehend is the most terrifying thing we will ever face in this life.

But in the end, who knows.

The author's comments:

I've noticed that there are many things in this life that we fear for example I have the fear of falling, but I decided to ponder deeper on this subject and was able to conclude that the only fear we face day to day is not knowing what's going to happen that day until it happens.

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