Why Are We Here? | Teen Ink

Why Are We Here?

March 11, 2016
By benado BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
benado BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

That’s the question I’ve been asking myself the last couple of days. Honestly, I haven’t found an answer to my question, not one that explains why we do the things we do. Are we just here for, as scientists say, to perpetuate our survival as humans? No, that cannot be the answer. We are here for a bigger purpose, aren’t we? Then what is it? Why do we kill each other looking for what we don’t need? Why do we send our own kind to war in the name of peace? Are we here just to satisfy our greedy needs? That means that we are just a sick group of conscious, selfish beings and the few that live for the benefit of others are just a group of misfit lunatics that hope for a hopeless cause.

This is depressing. However, I wonder if it is the truth. We live in this sick world just to choose if we are going to be part of two groups: the selfish ones, that think for themselves and then for the rest of the people, when it doesn’t matter crushing others dreams in order to fulfill yours or the ones that just fight against our very own nature and want to make a better place for the rest of the world, the ones that see the light in the darkest dark. So, which one of them am I? I guess one has to choose. We have to form our own paths, no matter what others expect us to make. So, what is it that I choose to do? what path I choose to follow?

I choose to follow the path of generosity because I feel is right, not just for me, but for everybody. I believe that we, as conscious beings, have to go against our selfish nature. however, it is not an easy path, it never is. We love luxury and it’s ok to have some for you. But when the opportunity of helping someone comes, we have to take it, no matter sex, religion, or other meaningless differences.

I also encourage my readers to follow the same path as I do. Not because I want to be a role model or something similar to it, but because I believe that one person can change the life of many. I know it is hard to do the right thing, specially if you don’t know the person, however, that’s how you know you are making the difference.

The author's comments:

I gotta say. I started to lose hope not just on me, but in whole humanity. I decided to take actions in it. So now I write this to anyone who is losing hope as I did.

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