The Lazy Generation? | Teen Ink

The Lazy Generation?

March 7, 2016
By OliverChapin BRONZE, Austin, Texas
OliverChapin BRONZE, Austin, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There is a place. A place the many people hate. It invades their lives and makes them work. Work, the thing that this generation seems to be scared of. It makes them write and read while they would rather be updating their Facebook status. Translate languages and do scientific experiments when they would much prefer to be shopping online from the comfort of their homes. It takes them paste what they know and teaches them knowledge to be successful. it seems more than strange that they would want to escape this. This place is school. All to often it is said “I want to be playing video games” and “I'd rather be watching TV”. These things have the fact that they waste time in common. These sorts of things take less work. Life is not a game where you can earn money by waiting a certain amount of time to collect coins from your colony. Life takes hard work which this generation seems to have a problem with. They want things to come to them without putting in work. I myself am guilty of this. I would rather sit at home and waste time watching tv but still have lots of money and success. This is not a good mindset to be in because it will come as quite a shock when I have to make money and pay rent and buy stuff for myself with money I earned. It is quite easy right now when I look at my grade in high school to see who is going to be successful. Those are the people who don’t use social media and spend much time making flashcards and studying. It is a shame that the generation of high schoolers are more invested in who posted the latest picture instead of who got the highest grade on the history paper

The author's comments:

This was a rant I wrote after a class where no one was focusing and were not wanting to learn. I completly understand that this is not true about all people this age

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