You Win | Teen Ink

You Win

March 7, 2016
By Anonymous

Who really needs me? Don't pity me. Don't look down on me. Don't be ashamed for me. My friends move on without me. Boyfriends, girlfriends, other friends. Everyone comes before me. Relationships never last. Can you even call them relationships? Blinded by materialistic things, no one ever see's me. My family thinks I'm useless. Selfish. The word best used to describe me. "You're not the only person in the world." As if I didn't already know. My dance teachers use me as a filler for the back row and side corners. The places no one wants to be, but someone has to be. There is always someone better. Better feet, better flexibility, better personality. Prettier. I make pretty good grades. Straight A's with the occasional B, number 12 in my class. But that just isn't enough. Suicide is never the answer, right? But how can you look down on suicide, but not look down on the people who ignored it until it reached that point? How can you not look down on the people in that person's life who made them want an out? Day in and day out surrounded by people who couldn't give a damn. So why not just do it?....

Because I believe there is hope. There is always a little darkness before the light. So cry it out. Scream and shout. Throw things. Stay to yourself. Then get over it. Take all the time you need. Change something. Do something different. Make a plan. Don't let them get you down. Become successful. Make them regret it all. Because you are beautiful. You are a star. You are important to this world. You may not be perfect, but your imperfections are the most perfect thing about you. Don't let them win. You win.

The author's comments:

I wrote this about my friend who has tried multiple times to commit suicide. 

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