LGBT; Still Unsolved | Teen Ink

LGBT; Still Unsolved

January 26, 2016
By AnonymousAnon BRONZE, Austin, Texas
AnonymousAnon BRONZE, Austin, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everybody shut up!" ~Sherlock Holmes
"Honey, you should see me in a crown." ~Moriarty
"You look sad when you think he can't see you." ~Molly

Many might think that LGBT is solved. I did too until I researched about it. I honestly wasn’t surprised to see that many still want to ruin LGBT lives, even after making same-sex marriage legal. Everyone has different beliefs, opinions, and frames of mind, but it doesn’t mean we should ruin lives that don’t match up with ours.


Intolerance of homosexuality mostly came from the Islamic and Christian religion. This word obviously had an effect, seeing that it has lasted up until 2015 and ongoing. There was a time after the middle age where people thought homophobia, racism, and sexism were intolerant personality disorders. The name says everything about the disorder; a person that makes intolerable (too much too bear) acts, such as remarks and actions. If it really was a disorder, then we could have easily made a medication and we could have avoided many problems, and I repeat, many problems.


Since the year of 2000 up to 2015, 30% of suicides are part of the LGBT community. 28% drop out of school either because they are being bullied, they don’t feel safe, or because they feel like they don’t belong. In 2007, 86% percent of non-heterosexual kids were reported being harassed in school. That right there is a pretty big number. ¾ of students being bullied are part of the LGBT community. 37% of LGBT are happy, but 67% of heterosexuals are happy. The numbers don’t even out, but they should.


Out of all the issues LGBT is going through, only same-sex marriage has really been solved. Schools need to be more aware of what’s happening on schools grounds. Sadly, most don’t notice until someone commits suicide or someone gets hurt, whether it was the bully or the student who was being bullied. Just recently, there was a shooting at Tel Aviv Gay and Lesbian Association centre, where a man dressed in black with a pistol suddenly opened fire, killing 2 people and injuring 7. Most articles about this incident (New York Post and many others) were posted on January 1st of this year. It is still a mystery if the gunman was homophobic, a terrorist, or if he just opened fire for no reason.


Since homophobia also exists in homes, 20% of LGBT live in the streets either because their parents kicked them out, or because they dropped out of school and left home. The LGBT community should not be ignored outside of marriage rights, more awareness should rise to fix all the other problems being faced. All this information has been on the Wikipedia article; LGBT rights in the United States. Now that you see that there are still on-going problems, do you think they’ll change anytime soon?

The author's comments:

I had to write about a social issue for my English class, and I decided to write about LGBT. These are my reasons why...

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