Always Remembered | Teen Ink

Always Remembered

January 25, 2016
By Seif_a BRONZE, Riyadh, Other
Seif_a BRONZE, Riyadh, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What is my sentence? It's a hard question to answer. It's more of, what do you wish to achieve before you die. Your life-time goal. What you want to be remembered for. But how long is my life-time. We might all die right now. What is my sentence. What should we achieve right now, that if we die, we will be remembered for something. Your sentence is different depending on your age, personality, and even mood. Your sentence could be serious like "He was the one to save the world from a disaster," or a friendly sentence, "He was the funniest and most loyal friend I've ever had," or maybe about a talent you have "He was the best football player in the team." It differs from one person to the other, but I'm a mix of all those three. I want people to say "He was the unexpected person who gave hope to the world and helped make a difference," and "He was the best goalkeeper I've seen," and "He's the truest and most loyal friend I have," and I'm trying to achieve the three of them before I die. but if I combine all these three into one sentence I'd say "He was the most clean-hearted talented person who wished to change the negativity in his country and the whole world." This is my sentence. This is how I want to be remembered.

The author's comments:

 I was inspired to write this because, i consider this my goal. This is what I hope to achieve before I die. I want everyone to think about their sentence and try to achieve it.

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