What's Happening to Technology? | Teen Ink

What's Happening to Technology?

January 13, 2016
By beffycakes BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
beffycakes BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened" -Dr. Suess

Do you enjoy, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and Facebook?  If so you may be part of the “app generation”.  In today’s society the majority of teenagers spend a large amount of time engaging in social media and technology.  The hours spent on technology are taking away from true social interactions.  Technology may be killing friendships.

Some people would argue that time spent on technology is a waste of your mind.  If you are spending so much time on your phone or computer, then you’re missing out on true social interactions, with your friends.  You risk becoming so tied to a device that you start to lose touch with you’re friends’ lives, and feelings.   We’ve all mourned the loss of a friendship due to growing apart, or arguments, maybe it was a result of you being on your phone, and missing that true connection.  Using technology can be fun if you and your friends are spending time together using technology.  If your not using the technology with your friends and you’re using it to escape from reality, you may begin missing out on a lot of things.

Experts have argued that too much time spent on technology leads to missed oppurtunitites.  Today there are many oppurtunities for teens to take advantage unless they are glued to their phone.  Being part of extracurricular activities gives teenagers the time to be with friends and develop true friendships.  Enjoying social activities such as sleepovers, going to the movies, and just hanging out boosts the fact thhat you’re really getting to know the real world people, instead of someone hiding behind the screen.  The right thing to do is to put down that phone and enjoy the time you have with someone, you never know when the last time would be with somebody.  Spending so much time on the phone not only takes time away from friends but can also lead to serious mistakes.
Some may argue about the safety of teenagers on technology.  Studies show that the numbers of teen deaths by suicide have grown tremendously lately.  It is way more easy to make “mistakes” online than in the real world; without realizing it you’re doing the wrong thing; and making a mistake.  Cyber bullies, perverted adults, and hidden identities are all over the internet, and some teens maybe the victims of these people.

Enjoying Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and Facebook isn’t a wrong thing.  In todays society teens lose friends, miss oppurtunities, and make mistakes on the internet but taking away technology to “help” the problem won’t work.  So teens just have to realize for themselves the pros and the cons with it.  So next time stop to think about your next action on the internet.

The author's comments:

I hope people will get what can happen if you abuse technology.

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