Cell Phones Should Be Allowed in Schools | Teen Ink

Cell Phones Should Be Allowed in Schools

January 8, 2016
By AyonaF BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
AyonaF BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine not being allowed to use cellphones in school. “12% of all students say they
can have their phones out at school at anytime “ and “24% of teens attend. “schools that ban cell phones from school for good.” Students should not have cell phones in class because it is a distraction , it causes drama, and leads to  harassment in some cases.

  Cell phone are a distraction in the classroom.   “ parents who need to be able to text with their kids every minute of the day” .cellphones are creating more problems than they're solving “ . I could agree but some parents would like to stay in contact with their child in case an emergency. “ cell phones can be advantage to students these days . and could improve and make learning more interesting” . some students can handle having a phone and balance their work . “ bullying or harassing other students , or simply distracting students and teachers with text messages , or phone calls .” Cell Phones can cause a lot of drama and it also causes a student to do something that's not right .

Cell phones in the classroom cause drama .” american life project and university of michigan found that in schools that permitted students to have cell phones , 71 percent of students sent or received text messages on their cell phones in class “. Some students do be on there during school hours , then they would go back to their school work and be lost on what they are working on . “ the percentage was almost as high 65% … Even in schools that been cell phones entirely the percentages was still a shocking 58% .” i don't think should automatically be banned they need to have the kids put their phones up so it won't cause as much drama . “ older teens girl ages 14 - 17 ….. average 100 messages a day.” cell phones distract stu “ that's not really true maybe it's less numbers of messages i'll say 20 or 30 years gets more messages than that.

cell phones affect learning .dents from school work and activities “.
cell phones affect a lot of thing not just activities it distract the way you learn because some students rely on cellphones to do their work.” do teachers simply need to crackdown to impose harsher penalties against students. well i guess some teachers could crack down on students but of the students you can’t  . “ many high schools students have grown accustomed to really anything longer than a 140 character tweet . “ some teens would enjoy reading anything on there phone than what a teacher has assigned.

Phones are not a distraction !

Yes they are because some kids are not focused as others …..
how can a phone be distraction  against class work ?
some students can’t finish work with phones because they ( students ) would want it while working
well some students can because they would use it to look up things .
but if a phones are not allowed then they can't be on the phones ….
cell phones are a distraction to students .
students should not have their phones during school because it is not healthy for your brain etc.

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