The Life of a Freak | Teen Ink

The Life of a Freak

December 16, 2015
By Kayli213 BRONZE, Ionia, Michigan
Kayli213 BRONZE, Ionia, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Being bullied, being told you are nothing but a freak. How would you feel? Is it because you are different? Is it because you like things a normal person wouldn’t like? So what? You do not call anyone a freak. Having the life of a freak or living the life of a freak is far from fun. You get yelled at and called names. You get told you are not wanted. Then eventually you are standing at the edge, just standing there hoping you will not fall, hoping you will not die. You eventually jump with tears falling down your face; you scream as time stops. You become numb to everything around you. Your breathing slows, then eventually your screams, the name calling, the life of the freak becomes silent just lying there. You have died….

All my life I was told I need to do better. All I’m going to amount to is nothing. I’m going to live under a bridge my whole life, I’m not going to get a job, and I’m not going to graduate. I was the person that was standing at the edge at one point. I was bullied for part of my life, not only by family but the students and my so-called-friends, telling me that I’m not good at anything. All I am is trouble. Standing at the edge is the most terrifying place to be, to be looking down and seeing nothing but a reflection of what everyone thinks. To be that person standing at the edge and not jumping means a lot; it means that you are one strong person and you know what? I said something to every one of those people that bullied me and look where I’m at now; I’m enjoying life. I want to be the person I’m meant to be, not the person everyone thinks I am….

I ask myself everyday what should change? Well, first of all I have a question for you. If it was your son or daughter that was being bullied or being called a freak what would you do? What would you do if you found out that your son or daughter was standing at the edge? What needs to change is the pathetic people who judge you because they don’t know your story they just know what they hear so they assume. I read a quote one time that said, “Who are you to judge the life I live? I am not perfect and I don’t have to be. Before you start pointing your fingers, make sure your hands are clean.” (Bob Marley)

Living the life of a freak and standing at the edge, standing at the edge is a hard thing to do, to be the one that is about to jump is the hardest thing someone could  do. The edge is a place where you would go if you were pushed to that point no one should ever have to be on the edge. Having family and “friends” push you to that point is not something everyone wants to have in their life. Living the life of a person everyone calls a freak or doesn't like because they are different is not their choice they do not chose to be that way… They chose to be the way they were born. So yes before you judge someone make sure that your hands are clean because if not you could be in the same spot as the rest of the so called freaks at the edge about to jump.. And that is the life of a freak.

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on Jan. 29 2016 at 2:03 pm
Dameon_Farris PLATINUM, Folton, District Of Columbia
20 articles 2 photos 78 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree. It will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." - Albert Eistiene

Wow this speaks and makes me happy ish iv been on the edge standing there a few times and might I say this speaks the truth ur an amazing writer and I wish more people wrote lik u