Priorites | Teen Ink


December 22, 2015
By Anonymous

Have you ever wondered why we have priorites ? We have priorites to make a diffrence in our lives and the right priorites is what drives us ahead .But  not for this young teenager who went to highschool Buck was the last in his class always giving teachers a problem .Being a senior he would oftenly bully juniors and would get away with it.He ventured into the world of drugs and when he graduated which was real struggle he went out to the streets doing drugs and selling them he was warned by his single mother but never listened .A few years later he was the guy in New york city known as "druglord" everyone who wanted drugs went to him he was a millionare and also being chased by police for years ,His mother eventually died of heartattack.And thats when his  extended family knew him for sure showing is true colours.One day while walking with his "doggs" .A police officer spotted him and pa! shoot to the head his gang memebers flead away and never heard nor seen of since.Finally the man they had being waiting for years was finally dead .His family weren,t to bummed when he died since he brought alot of danger to them.Choose your priorites right people!

The author's comments:

I was inspired by my own expirence as a teenager in highschool.I simply hope people get there priorites right.

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