Teacher's Pet | Teen Ink

Teacher's Pet

December 17, 2015
By Rinana BRONZE, Springfield, Ohio
Rinana BRONZE, Springfield, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Don’t hang out with her you'll start acting like her. You’ll be a teachers pet” All the people I’m around I hear it from them. Why do you do this?The answer to this question is unknown to all of the people being made fun of or called this. I don’t like it. Its like a label and its not who I am. To most people a teachers pet can be a brown nose, goody-goody, and more. Most people see it as helping the teacher for points or a good grade. Well most people aren’t like that. Especially not myself.

I hear the word “teacher pet” all the time about myself and others. Most people use it as a bully mechanism. They like to see reaction. Its not them being “bullied”. It’s always the people who just help teachers that have to hear all of these things.  I learned what to do after everyone has said these things to me. I tried to change at first but I learned more it doesn't matter what other people think about you. You grow a tough skin. I try to avoid the people that said it at first but they were right there.

“Teachers pet”. I was totally the opposite. I still am the opposite. I just get bored an have to entertain myself or keep myself busy before I do something “bad” or what I’m not supposed to. I really just like to help people and not just one certain person it’s every teacher. Favorite or not. So people to me shouldn't label on how they see people and actually get to know them. The thing that is most wrong is people judging by what they’re used to. What if the story was flipped? You wouldn't like if you were made fun for doing nothing so please stop.

Soon I just went around the people and realized not to be “scared” but to just face them. They couldn't do anything but say it again.  But now I know that what they labeled me isn't me and I am my own person. No matter what any person said about who they thought I was. I am who I am whether a person likes it or not. Maybe they shouldn't judge by what they think. So now everyday I brush it off or tell them how it really is and it stops. So maybe if you say things to someone you shouldn’t because it can hurt them. Or if your a victim try not to let it bother you. Don’t give them your attention.

So now I still hear it “Don’t hang out with her you'll start acting like her. You’ll be a teachers pet” and I say to myself, “Maybe they will be like me but who’s really better in the end?” Anyone who helps is better off so don’t let people judge you when your the only one who knows you deep down. So after this all just remember everyday gets better and not every person knows YOU.

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this is I have heard it alot and I know some people don't kno whow to deal with this and maybe my point of view on the matter could help or even be inspiring to others. 

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Mr. Gonzalez said...
on Jan. 28 2016 at 11:30 am