Silent Moments | Teen Ink

Silent Moments

December 11, 2015
By Acutum BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
Acutum BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was never going to be an ordinary day when Jake Hampton and Clark Watson set out into the unforgiving historic which once was Detroit.  But no one used that name anymore, not a single person called it by any name, for nothing civilized could successfully thrive there. Small bursts of civilization had formed but all eventually met their downfall, whether the settlements became consumed by the mutations that inhabited the ruins of Detroit or the people just trying to survive, they all met their downfall.  The first mutations in Detroit where seen in 2025, 10 years after mankind had destroyed Earth’s atmosphere with chemicals. Chemical and nuclear waste sped the mutations of the creatures that inhabited Detroit before the earth’s destruction. Jake and Clark would soon see them first hand.

Jake and Clark’s day began just like any other day, up just before the sun, Jake would roll out of bed and grab some carrots from the chest they had in there little shack made of wood, Clark would run around their shack knocking over things, excited that Jake had finally woken from his slumber. Jake would grab his tattered clothes while Clark was still ecstatic to see his friend. When Jake was ready he would exit their small shack, a place not many people would search for to call home, but to them, it was heaven on earth, free from all the troubles and horrors that lurked in the shadows of Detroit, free from the struggles that the weather would bring when it would come crashing in carrying the chemicals that once destroyed the world around them.  It was also didn’t allow the inhabitants of any other humans, see the problem with humans is you can never quite guess what they will do next, see the chemicals will burn your organs from the inside and the mutations just want to eat you or make a nest to raise their young in, using your dead body, but humans, no one can ever predict what they will do next. 


Jake and Clark do not stay at their little shack for the entire day, they stealthy roam the ruins of Detroit looking for useful materials and supplies. They do this to make sure that they can at least start their unordinary days alive, and not dead. They set out down the decaying road that once was known as Highway 75, from there nice little patch of dirt down the road, they would eventually reach, downtown Detroit. So they walk towards the rising sun knowing not knowing that they would be returning with the rising sun.

In a few short hours Jake and Clark had made it to downtown Detroit and into the first department store they had seen. As they roamed the department store in search of some cloth to make a real bed so they would no longer have to sleep on the hard wooden log they had many nights before, they heard a creek. At first they just thought that it was the wind blowing against the rusty floors upstairs.  They continued searching when the creek they heard before turned into a crash of falling glass. They  became silent, to avoid the panic that was rushing through Jake and Clark’s veins Jake silently kept searching hoping that he would find the cloth and they could rush out of there and back to the safety of their wooden shack. Clark however was starting to the stairs in search of what made the new found sound of glass shattering.  Jake rushed over pulling him back to the shelf he was examining.  Jake was curious and he did want to find out what was lurking above them, but he knew better, he knew that best case scenario it was just a mindless mutation scampering around for food not knowing that anything was underneath their feet. As Jake continued his search he faced his worst fear when he heard the “mindless mutation” say
“ I hear someone”

Jake grabbed Clark and rushed for the door, it was a human the worst thing roaming Detroit, unpredictable with goals and motives unknown. Across the street was a big dome once known as
Ford Field a home to one of the worst sports teams of all time the Detroit Lions and there zero super bowl appearances. But Jake and Clark didn’t care, they rushed in the only door that wasn’t covered in wreckage, The Lions locker room. Clark leading far ahead didn’t care what was going on behind them all he knew was that he was running towards the dome, Jake however heard the other humans chasing after them talking to one another, trying to discuss strategies to flank them. Soon after Jake and Clark had entered the locker room the discussions had stopped. Clark rested for a little while Jake searched every corner of the room to make sure there was no other entrances and that nothing else was in there with them. The room was clear except for a little light shining through a collapsed doorway. The voices started up again and they heard someone say,

“They’re in here”

Jake fell silent and Clark rose from his rest, they both slowly crouched next to the collapsed doorway. As the voices drew near Jake saw something magical, the Detroit Lions uniforms all packed in an easily movable box. The Detroit Lions uniforms were made of cloth and perfect material for a bed. Jake grabbed the uniform box quietly and when he turned around he saw Clark had found a perfect opening in the collapsed doorway just big enough for them to crawl through. Jake slid the bin through the crack and crawled out. Just as he crawled out he saw what was holding up the tunnel, he pulled it out right as the other humans were underneath it. They were crushed underneath the rubble and debris leaving Jake and Clark out of harm's way.  With their new found bin of cloth, they walked back to their wooden shack knowing that it was a good day’s work. After all the only thing the Detroit Lions jerseys where good for was sleeping on.

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