Thing I Overcame | Teen Ink

Thing I Overcame

December 11, 2015
By Anonymous

Do you know what it's like to be unable to simply say what's on your mind unless it's to your best friend? I do. In the beginning, I could barely even engage in a conversation with anyone. Someone said hi to me, I would just act like I could not hear them. I do not know what originated this; I was never bullied or anything. It seemed as if I had been born into being shy and antisocial. Still, to this day, I do not understand what was wrong. I was so shy that it was very challenging to be in a group of more than three. I limited the words I said out of fear. Although I was very shy, I did have a few people whom I could talk to comfortably.

Most people are happy to collaborate with large groups of others. Most people who hear about an event that everyone is going to go to are excited to go. Unfortunately for me that is a sign to opt out at once. The only way I ever will go to an event like this is if my best friend comes with me. I only enjoy going to things that have fewer than five people unless the host is someone that I am comfortable with talking to all the time. What I am trying to say is although most people enjoy these events, I strongly oppose that way of thinking. As you have already found out, I used to be shy to an extreme extent. From my point of view, it's the same as to yours. I Know I should not be like this and I should just shake it off, but I simply was unable. As I said, it feels like you are born into it. It does not feel able to be overcame.

That was not the only problem I had. You know how when you are in a group of friends talking to each other, and a dispute comes up, and you all are trying to figure something out? Well, whenever I was in a group like that, even if I knew to answer to the dispute, I would hold from saying it just in case I was wrong. If I were wrong, what would they do to me? Would they make fun of me for being "stupid"? I tried really hard to  hold from saying most things on my mind, which made it very hard to express myself. Because of this, I was even less likely to be befriended by others.

The struggle of having only a few people whom you can even talk to is very difficult. The only person I would talk to is Isaiah. What would I do when he was absent? I had to answer that question a few times: do nothing at all. Simply do not talk the whole day.  I doubt you can tell what it's like to only have one friend, but it's pretty dreadful. If they have any plans for the weekend that did not include me, then I do nothing that weekend. Because of this, it became way harder to be social with the one friend I had because he was busy collaborating with his new or other friends that I do not have. While others had a lot of friends, I was stuck with one or two.

How I overcame this problem is quite simple generally, but in reality, it was pretty hard. I decided that I was literally wasting life by not doing anything with it rather than going to a friends house once a week or maybe even a month. I also decided that if I do not talk/hang out with people, I am doing nothing with my life. To come over this habit/problem i began talking to anyone who approached me and i also began to approach others whom i thought seemed like people who would be cool to have as friends. Although it was very hard, I took action by doing these things to become less shy.

The author's comments:

I was writing about something in which I overcame because I want to let others know they are not the only ones

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Morgan Wendt said...
on Mar. 2 2016 at 7:38 pm