Stereotypes Do Not Inspire, They Demotivate | Teen Ink

Stereotypes Do Not Inspire, They Demotivate

December 1, 2015
By ShreyaK BRONZE, Hyderabad, Other
ShreyaK BRONZE, Hyderabad, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Society's opinion has grown over these distressful but innovative years and increased ridiculously in it's own weight, breaking our backs and turning our feet sore. In nations like India, opinion didn't necessarily matter only when the 21st century started. They ate away at our minds and souls, possibly before the monarchial system in our country started and excessively flourished. These stereotypes have spread like terrible contagious diseases, all over the world, hardly leaving any room for a rare original thought process. Since when kings sat in thrones embedded with precious stones, till date when corrupted leaders doze in armchairs of torn and matted leather, only embracing these pathetic beliefs for more power and control. Men must work hard and study, women must stay home washing stained clothes and rusty steel dishes. Girls must behave well, act charming and increase the family's number. Boys are expected to act rash and unmannered, and apparently are the only source of income and food for shrivelled, begging hands and dry, hungry mouths respectively. Anyone with small eyes is a Chinese, which is an annoyingly common statement made by many, even though there's more than just one country in South-Eastern Asia. Men are more capable of innovating and creating resources for our society, which is unacceptable considering the fact that many women have surpassed men in the same fields, barely getting attention. Girls like shopping, bags, clothes, shoes & jewellery. Boys love sports, super heroes, cars and companies. Adults are perfectly versed with every fact known to the universe, and so we shouldn't intend to doubt or teach them. Those who are of color, are possibly illiterate and unsanitary. These stereotypes were made by simple observations, needs and opinions. But now, they control us. They control the way society functions and wonders. People have struggled to act in the civilised and unique manner that defines themselves. But industrial advancements have made citizens doubt themselves, and negatively confirmed that we are WRONG if society does not like us. We are letting stereotypes control society, which in hand controls our source of thinking. Don't let that happen. Do not let an advertisement directed at women control the way any female on this planet feels about herself. Do not let any of the public's unreasonable quotes define the way a man should act. Don't hide from the world if you love something this world doesn't. If you hold a valuable, reasonable opinion that society is not exposed to, share it instead of secretly dwelling on it. Don't like Mexican food? You're not the only one that doesn't; the reason a large number is called a 'majority' is because a smaller number with a different opinion stops the majority from becoming the entire world. Be your own person. Defy the stereotypes the public has come to believe and follow. Don't be afraid to support those who stand with an endangered opinion. After all, some brains were made to like the colors society hates, and like food that isn't Mexican.

The author's comments:

I'm expected to live up to the ideal image of an Indian girl. And well, I didn't want to. 

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Seshasai123 said...
on Dec. 3 2015 at 10:54 pm
Awesome read.... I found it very insightful.keep it up Shreya