United We Stand | Teen Ink

United We Stand

November 5, 2015
By shawna22 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
shawna22 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Bombs explode, shots fire, floods consume; brothers and sisters are lost. It is after terrible destruction that we see those familiar shades of red, white, and blue flying and holding our country together. No matter what happens and no matter who’s lost, our nation stands united under our flag, knowing we can endure on.

The American people were found in 1775, fighting for our independence from Great Britain, having faith that we were a strong nation. We sacrificed for the hope of freedom. United we stand.


We were found in 1939, pushing into a world at war to help our allies and ensure the safety of the American people in a time of chaos. United we stand.

We were found in 1963, standing in surprise of the black man who stood before thousands and uttered the words that would change our nation: “I have a dream.” Those words that seemed to divide would soon bring together the American people. United we stand.


We were found in 2001, fighting a force whose only remaining evidence was the rubble of our Twin Towers. There were firefighters running into the wreckage, doctors saving the lives left, and soldiers sent to battle overseas. United we stand.


We were found in 2005, in awe of the storms that blew from of the coast. They destroyed homes, businesses, and lives in New Orleans--but not our resiliency. Thousands of people surged into the hurting city to start repairs and get people back to their homes. United we stand.


In the years since 1775, our flag has flown on. Woven with the threads of the American people, our flag represents those who support, cherish, and fight for this great nation that we have become. Under this flag, the American people stand together. United as one.

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