Moving to the U.S | Teen Ink

Moving to the U.S

June 11, 2015
By Carlos Burkart BRONZE, Coronado, California
Carlos Burkart BRONZE, Coronado, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was 11 am as I go up and ready to leave I felt a hole in my stomach, I didn't want to leave.


“Hurry up we are late and the plane wont wait for us!” My mom yelled.
“No mom please, I don't want to leave, learning an entire new language and making new friends will be really hard” I said with a very low voice.
“You will be fine, there are many kids your age that have gone through the same struggles and have managed to make the best of it, I know you will be as happy in Coronado. We are very fortunate to be able to move to such a nice community” She replied.
“Okay it will be fine, you will have a lot of new friends and an amazing opportunity to learn an entire new language” I told myself.

Leaving my home and saying goodbye to my friends from Cabo was really hard, the closer we got to the airport the more i sad i became, Finally in the plane i got a sense of relief after knowing that I would start a new life and I would make the best of it.

“Why are you so quiet? My mom asked.
“Im just worried because i don't know how living in a country in where I don't speak the language will be” I replied with a soothing voice.
“Don't worry everything will be okay, also your cousins from Mexico City are moving to Coronado as well” She replied.
“Okay mom thank you, I hope that my brothers and I find this place amazing” I replied nervously.

We finally arrived to Coronado, the next couple of days my brothers and I had to get everything ready for school. My first day of school was pretty scary, but after a week or two i made new friends, and my mom was right, I would indeed love this place. I was able to fit in with society I learned an entire new language which allows me to communicate with millions of people more. I am thankful that my parents made this decision, because it has made me the person that I am today, and it has also allowed me to recognize new cultures and society expectations which i have been able to follow. Moving from Mexico to the U.S was a pretty big change in my life, but it only made me a better person, I made new friends, I know where I fit in society, and I can now speak two fluent languages.

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