Prison Systems Need To Be Improved | Teen Ink

Prison Systems Need To Be Improved

June 4, 2015
By Kiara410 BRONZE, Amherst, New York
Kiara410 BRONZE, Amherst, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 Human rights are inherent to all humans beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, nation or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status. So why is it that when we make a mistake or commit a crime we are treated differently? Not only by the people, but the conditions in which we are provided. Prison systems need to be improved.


Prison systems are hard to fix. Conditions in prisons have been the same for decades. Basically, it will be very hard to change something that has been the same for decades. Tight budgets have left governments unwilling to invest in bad prison systems. The U.S prison system has corporations with money and those corporations care more about the amount of people in the prison than their living conditions. Out of 99 adults one of them is living in prison in the U.S. The most America has been in prison in history. Since 1980, the U.S prison population has grown by 790%. By law the staff is supposed to provide good treatment to prisoners but lack in good treatment.

Prisons are overcrowded and filled to capacity. In the world, there are 7 billion people and there are 9 million in prison. Overcrowding has become so bad that three prisoners have to sleep in the same bed. Prisons corporations have decided to get more beds, turn to private contractors, relax release policies, or stuff more prisoners into smaller spaces. At the end of 2013 Illinois was housing 48,653 prisoners according to The Washington Post. California is on federal court order about their overcrowding in prisons. According to Criminal Justice Degree Online, a study in 2006 found that the overcrowding in prisons can have a negative effect on the psychological state of inmates.

Health is one of the most important things in our lives. If we do not take care of our health it could lead to problems. Incarcerated men and women are often diagnosed with health, mental health, and substance abuse problems after receiving care from a correctional health provider. Many prisons have 10% of inmates suffering from active tuberculosis. Inmates carry illnesses and pass the illnesses on to other inmates and they all suffer from it. According to Brown University, 95% of prisoners that will be released from prison and into the community will be carrying significant health problems with them. There needs to be a mandatory overlook of prison health care. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that prisons should do more tests than they already do and they should also ran a test for HIV and make sure the prisoners health is good after they are released.
The conditions in the prison make it hard to put policies and rules that are against sexual assault.  Prison rape is becoming more and more popular. Most people think that the prison rape is only happening to females but the same amount of females that get sexually abused is the same number for males. According to ABC News, more than 200,000 men are raped behind bars each year. In the past policies have tried to be made but has not been successful. More inmates stick-out more than others. Everybody has different characteristics and all criminals are not the same and some naturally stick-out and they are usually targeted. More and more correctional systems are attempting to fix the huge problem of prison rape.

A prisoner’s life is always going to be different after their release. Being locked up inside a prison is overlooked most of the time. The average prisoner dreams to travel in first class and starting his own business. There are 700,000 people released from prison each year and 67% will be re-arrested. A man who served over 20 years in prisons stated that, former prisoners are not afraid to go back to prison because they feel like prison is more comfortable. He think that the free world is more threatening now. He also explained, in prison they use drugs and get drunk. In other words their addiction to drugs and alcohol do not stop.They are constantly using drugs and alcohol. When they leave prison, they are still bound to use the same behavior that they used before they were in prison.” Basically if someone has an abuse problem, when they are in prison their problem will not improve.
Others claim prisoners do not deserve good prison conditions because they are criminals. Some think that if we let society improve we will lose business. America must first be free of educational, racial, class, access-to-justice, gender and wealth disparities before we act. We build prisons instead of schools and pay prison guards more than we do educational teachers.

Prison Systems need to be improved. I think prison conditions are bad. We are all entitled to our natural rights. No matter what we should not be treated differently. Now you have an understanding on why we need to improve certain conditions. Bad prison systems/conditions can lead to individual problems and affect the world around us.

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