Reading | Teen Ink


June 2, 2015
By yort321 BRONZE, Park Ridge, Illinois
yort321 BRONZE, Park Ridge, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life's a b****

Today in our society I would say one of the most undervalued things is reading. How times have changed. Before when someone read a lot of books they were usually considered very intelligent, or even seen as richer. Now when someone hears that another person is reading a lot of the books they see it as stupid. When they themselves are asked to read a book they see it as pointless. How could this change so dramatically? One of the main reasons would probably be the television. Why read something for a couple days when you could see it all in two hours? But the problem is you miss a ton of things that aren’t in the movie, but are in the book. I think I pretty much speak for anyone who reads a decent amount of book, the book is always better than the movie. Sometimes the movie can be a great representation of the book, but it is never an equal. Take Great Gatsby for example. Despite never seeing a lot of it I know that they missed a lot of things. It’s impossible to get the amount of detail in a movie because you can’t hear thoughts of the characters at every moment. You can sense how Nick might feel towards Tom in the movie, but unless he narrates at every moment you won’t know everything. Now this seems like a big thing to me, but for most they don’t really care. Reading is so helpful though. Instead of reading a book over a long period for school, I can finish it in a mere hours. Most of the times the book is good, which even makes it enjoyable. On the ACT I can read all the passages and questions with time to spare. Now that doesn’t seem so pointless. It gives you a better vocabulary, and will help you in life. People don’t see any of this now, but once as they hit college they will. From what I gathered there is a massive amount of reading, and you have to be able to read in addition to having other homework in other classes. At that moment everyone will probably realize the benefit of reading, and how they should have done more of it.

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