A Systematic Proposal to Fix and Renovate a “Free” Society | Teen Ink

A Systematic Proposal to Fix and Renovate a “Free” Society

April 21, 2015
By Anonymous

America: From each according to his ability, to each according to his deeds. “The land of the free” has flipped and flopped. This country can no longer identify itself as a free market society. From welfare to medicare to education and so on, the government of the US of A has cunningly masked the rhyme and reason behind our high functioning oniomania and its uncanny ability to continually think of itself as a true government for the people. With our best interests in mind, the government has stripped freedoms and implemented numerous “Samaritan” programs that either shove their money down your own pockets or ensure your financial coverage by taking money from your own pockets. Ladies and gentlemen, this fine system of picturesque financial health and both domestic and economic bliss is none other than Socialism. You may have already divined this systematic anomaly, much without the government’s intervention, but I mean to offer a proposal that many can only expect and much less hope to see become reality. Socialist America is to be the jumpstart program to the greatest era this country has seen; Communist America will see this vision through.

Now, I know what you may be thinking, “communism is a terrible thing! It oppresses the people and restricts our God given rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” but no, this is a false accusation based off of government institutions enforcing the rule and reign of our nation’s history, so it is only natural to have an unhealthy bias against such an innocent idea. The problem lies not in the system but in the leader. Communism adopted the image of evil from dictatorial entities such as Zedong, Stalin, and the most recent, Kim Jong Un. America would not be run by a dictator, rather the president would assume complete control of the government, the three branches falling into his grasp. Total economic, financial, domestic, and political power would reside with the president since communism is only truly achieved through one mind. We could even change the pledge of allegiance to “one nation, under [insert president’s name], indivisible, with equality and social justice for none.”
Bringing it back to our current systematic standing, Socialist America has been established for many years. A great many people such as President Barack Obama have been working feverishly and stealthily to slowly uproot our current ideals of democracy and social freedom to replace them with socialist views. According to history professor Paul Le Blanc, “They defined socialism as government ownership and control of the economy, and government planning for the benefit of the people, who some day (but not yet!) would be permitted to have a decisive say in the decisions affecting their lives” (ISR). That does not sound like a government that oppresses its people, granted for a very long time, but it not only gets the job done, it does it efficiently too.

I propose the government follow through with its current position seeing as Communism is the next logical step for Socialist America. Jerry J, a user on Yahoo! Answers explains “Communism puts social values above property values” (Yahoo! Answers). Distribution of the wealth, equality under the eyes of the government: these issues would all be instantly resolved as soon as the government fully embraces the communist system because the problems of sociality are the government’s main concerns. Past nations have tried and failed to realize their true potentials because the dictators selfishly chose their own human desires, which are all but impossible to resist, over the betterment of their country. Communist America would not follow the path of every other communist nation that ever existed because we are America. There is a first for everything. The recognition we would receive from the communist community would be overwhelmingly positive because we not only pioneered the way for free and democratic nations in the past, but we could also make a non-oppressive, non-dictatorial government controlled communist nation.

Socialist America need only decide to take the next logical step on their path to greatness. The people of Communist America would not be very different than the people of Democratic or Socialist America. We already lay about (talk about laissez-faire) and depend on the government to intervene when we walk hand in hand with mediocrity and laziness. A recent statistic states that 5.8 percent of America is currently unemployed, and 35.4 percent of Americans are on welfare (CNSnews). This shows that not quite, but almost half of this nation is already used to having the government providing wealth and stability for them. How hard could it be to convince the other 65.6 percent? That was a trick question, because Communism is a governmentally run system, so the will of the people does not matter. No more will of the people, freedoms of the people, rights of the people; the president would grace the people with will and purpose through government provided programs and everyone would be considered equal under the eyes of Communist America. Need I bring up the obvious fact of Communist Russia and its ascension to one of the great superpowers in under thirty years? Russia, under a communist system, jump started its economy through government intervention and control, soon having the ability to compete with and even beat one of the greatest nations in the space race.

God forbid the day a Republican takes over the presidential office and pushes America back on the highway to a free society with his conservative views. Although, the likelihood of such a thing taking place now is slim to say the least. As Carmen Avera, another Yahoo! Answers user states, “Republicans would find it too shameful to be on welfare, and believe in hard work, and resources to make a living. They believe in personal responsibility, hard work and achievement,” (Yahoo! Answers). We have one foot in and the other foot is still in mid flight towards a Communist America. One of this nation’s philosophies is to finish what we start; we started on a path to communism, so it is essential for us to follow through, or else we cannot hope to ever live up to the standards of our founding fathers. But in all honesty folks, this is a satire. Relax.

But still, consider this: you wake up, at a time dictated by the government, you eat a morning meal, provided by the government, you take a governmental bus to your government job and work for a certain amount of time specified by the government. This daily routine of governmental get up and go would appeal to any sensible person. You do not have to worry about your breakfast, because the government will provide, or your transportation or job; the government will take care of your every need. That is what would make Communist America great, not to mention the closure you would feel knowing you are now financially and socially equal with every other person in your country, minus the president, of course. As my friend and fellow societal reformer, Jonathan Swift, once stated, “I can think of no one objection that will possibly be raised against this proposal,” so therefore, I implore you to take the censor from your eyes and see the greatness that can be achieved through Communist America (Swift). I leave the obvious decision in your hands, comrade.

Works Cited
“Pros and cons of being a Republican”. Yahoo! Answers. n.p., 2008. Web. 14 Feb 2015.
“The 35.4 Percent”. CNSnews. Disqus, 20 Aug. 2014. Web. 14 Feb 2015.
“What do Socialists say about Democracy?” International Socialist Review (ISR). n.p., July 2013. Web. 15 Feb 2015.
Swift, Jonathan. “A Modest Proposal”. The Language of Literature: Evanston: McDougall Littell, 2000. 612-619. Print. British Literature Anthology.

The author's comments:

This piece is satirical essay I wrote in my English 12 class. It is a satire on the issue of Socialist America and the path it is going down.

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