Second Thoughts | Teen Ink

Second Thoughts

April 20, 2015
By Anonymous

Our generation has been gifted with electronics. We grew up with them and the technology just gets better and better. However i always have this thought in the back of my head in 20+ years what will technology look like and if i will understand it. My parents hardly can type on a keyboard let alone text will the same thing happen to me in another form?


I love reading tech magazines and books on the current technology that we have. However, what i also like to read about is the Fantasy technology. After i read something astonishing and or amazing i feel when one day it'll come out i will have the same face as my parents do when i try to explain bluetooth. I am a pretty tech savvy guy but i think it will be humbling having my kids and and their friends be ahead of me in the world of technology. I think that when my kid starts showing me the ropes on the new hologram iPhone that moment will shoot back all that i had to do for my parents.

To be honest with you i am scared of a massive technology revolution. Think about it one simple device can change the world, weather if its economy, communications, medical and a bunch of other huge parts of our everyday life. I also fear that due to the new technology someone could ruin the world with one simple device. What i like so far about the past decades is the steady growth of technology. I think this because it would put everyone in shock. Think about it this way, your driving a chevy impala and the next day your driving a flying car. I think for most people they would feel confusion and other emotions related to that state of mind.  But at a steady pace of showing the public new advancements people will be  able to process what is slowly happening to society.

Along with being scared i also have this feeling of anxious excitement for a technology revolution. When i think about it hopefully in 20+ years we will have a cure to cancer, AIDS, Etc. Some part of me wants to be apart of that revolution but being scared is holding me back.

  At the moment i don't know what to make of our upcoming future it seems cool, crazy, amazing, and scary. I just hope that it doesn't start a conflict in the world because that could end in a vein way. All my hope for the future is to be wise about information that you share technology about technology. I am waiting…

The author's comments:

what i feel about the upcoming future

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