Just? Or Just the Death Penalty? | Teen Ink

Just? Or Just the Death Penalty?

April 21, 2015
By ShelbyFerguson BRONZE, Sacramento, California
ShelbyFerguson BRONZE, Sacramento, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Since the beginning of time, the death penalty has been a very prevalent recurring theme in the history of the world. Of course it has reduced in occurrence over time, but it is still a staple tradition in a few states in our great country, the United States of America; a wonderful place to live unless you are gay, transgender, female, black, hispanic, mentally ill, an immigrant, poor, or anything else that does not embody the American ideals of straight, white patriarchy and supremacy.


The fact that the death penalty is still around has truly shaped our country for the better. Reducing crime rate, fixing the overpopulation of prisons, and getting rid of every “psychotic” murderer one kill at a time. Doesn’t it sound great? I mean, our nation has lived off of using this system since the beginning of time, so how can it not be great?


One of the biggest ways the death penalty has shaped our superb country is through the reduction of the crime rate. Though our country is billions of dollars in debt, what better way to spend “between $2.5 million and $5 million” than on killing murderers in hopes that it will reduce the crime rate, while we kill at the same time (Fagan par. 1)? Because it is common knowledge that killing innocent and guilty men will rid the government of competition in their race to become the best murderers in the world.


Our country is so brilliant! I give them complete props. Keeping the death penalty around has definitely helped fix the overpopulation of the prisons. We all know we have way too many people in the prisons. It is only logical that we pay no attention to who the prisoners are, dehumanize them, take a couple handfuls of them, and throw them right to the electric chair. I mean, why not kill them? They are just a bunch of murderers. It is only right that we use death to show our country that death is wrong right?


Lets not forget about what race plays in the death penalty. We could never hurt the dear whites of our country. In fact, studies show that "in 82 percent of the studies [reviewed], race of the victim was found to influence the likelihood of being charged with capital murder or receiving the death penalty, i.e. those who murdered whites were more likely to be sentenced to death than those who murdered blacks," which is how our country still works to this day (Facts par. 4). But there is no way our country could possibly be any different. It is tradition and our country never strays from tradition! Though  minority defendants are “more likely than white defendants to be sentenced to death for the same crimes,” there is no reason our country should have to change in order to accommodate its own non-white citizens (Some Facts about the Death Penalty par. 5).


One thing our country will always follow is that “as long as it is safe to shop, we will ignore the rest of the world,” because that is the way things are in America (Monkerud par. 8)! When it comes to the death penalty, we will go as far as dehumanizing and killing murderers in order to try and prevent more murder and violence. We are the land of the brave and the home of the free, but God forbid a non-white American citizen try to speak and stand up for his or her rights and/or freedom. America has never worked that way. Our country is built off of amendments such as the 8th amendment which reads, “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted,” but our country feels the need to go against what we are built off of (Fun par. 6). We put innocent people in jail for life with high bail, or we put them to death because we never had the time or patience to figure out if they were innocent or not (Fun par. 7). We just needed to move on with our lives while ending those of the innocent and mentally ill because that is the country we live in! We live in the great and almighty United States of America where everything is perfect, and where we are all free unless you are anything that does not embody the American ideals of straight, white patriarchy and supremacy.


Works Cited
“Facts.” Death Penalty Focus. Death Penalty Focus, 31 March 2013. Web. 9 February 2015.

Fagan, Jeffrey. “Capital Punishment: Deterrent Effects & Capital Costs.” Columbia Law School.
Columbia University, N/A. Web. 9 February 2015.

Fun, Nick. “Supreme Court Declares First Amendment Unconstitutional.” Unconfirmed Sources.
Unconfirmed Sources, N/A. Web. 9 February 2015.

Monkerud, Don. “Bush Plans Big Changes in 2006: Ok, Not Really.” Unconfirmed Sources.
Unconfirmed Sources, N/A. Web. 9 February 2015.

“Some Facts about the Death Penalty.” Oklahoma Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty. Death
Penalty Information Center, March 2009. Web. 9 February 2015.

The author's comments:

This is a satire piece on the Death Penalty, including discrimination in America.

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