Eyes of Success; Eyes of Failure | Teen Ink

Eyes of Success; Eyes of Failure

April 1, 2015
By mattcoaches BRONZE, Grandville, Michigan
mattcoaches BRONZE, Grandville, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Shut up" -Mr. Tower

Failure: the lack of success. Failure: an inevitable part of life. Failure: a chance to grow.

No matter how sane nor perfect a person claims they are, failure is an incurable disease set forth to us by the lord. All humans are flawed, and therefore undoubtedly will experience failure.

But failure does not always imply what it’s technical definition is. The official definition of failure is ‘lack of success’. However, do not look at failure as a lack of success but rather as a chance to succeed. Do not let failure fail you but rather bring you up.

The only way you can truly fail is by letting failure destroy you dreams.

Examine your life, and failure is abundant. It is present in almost every aspect of our lives. From sports, to relationships, to education, to personal problems, failure is an ever growing monster waiting to creep out at us from behind the wall.

Sports is one area in my life where I have not only failed but succeeded. Throughout my life I have been involved in numerous sports including baseball, soccer, golf, tennis, swimming, and skiing as well as many more.

I will not beat around the bush, I have failed. Almost everytime I play a sport, I experience some type of failure. Whether I strikeout, or hit a shot into the rough, or don’t beat my record 50 yard time, I have failed. But it is letting failure fail my dreams that brings me down. My golf coach, David Hutton, always says to leave you round out on the golf course and to not bring it home with you and to come back the next day a new athlete (golfer) and to better yourself for the trials ahead. His words speak truth. Do not let your failure of that day fail your dreams your dreams of the future.

Golf is a good example of my personal triumphs and failures. When I started playing golf at the mere age of 8, I was not the brightest junior golfer. Simply putting it, I didn’t hit the ball far. And speaking of that I didn’t really hit it where I wanted it to go either. However, I did not let my failure fail my dreams of becoming a better golfer and put my effort into succeeding.

From that point on me and my dad were going to the golf range  I worked on and on with my golf swing just wanting to improve my game. I went all around town playing various courses all summer just because I wanted to better myself as a golfer. my previous failure was the fuel for the fire. I have won tournaments at local courses and have played my heart out ever since.

Baseball was the same story. I started playing baseball in 5th grade, a little late by most standards. By then I was behind the competition as far as picking up the game. Again, I will admit, I did not do good at first. I struggled, most of the time I was striking out. I knew I needed to work and boy did I work.

Over the next couple seasons I continued putting my A game into my skills. Luckily, it paid off. I am now in the upper end of the batting order and play 2nd base and center field. Failure fueled the fire.

I remember one game. It was an absolutely beautiful summer evening like one out of the movies. Warm as can be, just the right temperature. The sun shines down on my face as I put on my eye black and twinkles in my eye. I lean up against the fence, chewing seeds as I prepare mentally for the challenge facing us. Luckily, the challenge facing us would soon be a triumph.

As we warmed up for the upcoming game we discussed their tactics. We were playing a team from Hudsonville that evening and we were feeling the brunt before the first pitch was even thrown. I was scared because of my previous failures at the plate. I used my knowledge along with my physical strength to persevere through the game and bring my A game. That game I scored 2 times with 3 RBI’s and 3 plays in the field where I contributed to an out. Therefore, I say success truly comes from failure. I am still not the best and believe me I do fail, but trying my hardest is what really counts.

Sports aren’t the only area in which failure contributes to success. You bomb a test and what do you do? You study and work until you are able to prove yourself on the next test. You get a bad SAT/ACT score and you simply retake it. This idea is applicable in so many areas.

With your friends: if you lose a friendship with someone or a breakup with someone, you in the future learn from your mistakes in order to become a better person. You learn what qualities make people happy and what qualities ruin relationships. Failure provides for success.

So I plead to you. Do not let failure bring you down. Let it bring you up and turn the eyes of failure into the eyes of success.

As I said before, do not look at failure as a lack of success but rather as a chance to succeed. Do not let failure fail you but rather bring you up.

Let your dreams fly and your failures die in the wake of their flight.

The author's comments:

Do not let failure bring your dreams down

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