Media: A Dream or A Nightmare? | Teen Ink

Media: A Dream or A Nightmare?

March 23, 2015
By Emi Taketa BRONZE, Wailuku, Hawaii
Emi Taketa BRONZE, Wailuku, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Most people think technology, youtube, and media is a waste of time and just a distraction however, it gives happiness, a laugh and smile and maybe one to give. It can even give you an education.

People spend too much time alone because of technology, but at the same time because of technology we are more connected than ever. Sherry Turkle poses a provocative question: “Now it is possible to connect with people using technology such as cell phones, Skype, XBox Live, Facetime, social media and more. Are we really as ‘connected’ as we think? Or do people spend too much time alone because of technology?” My answer to this statement is... Technology gives us the ability to be connected to the world. At the same time we are relying on technology and sometimes we aren’t able to do things on our own when needed to. For example, if your family is in one state and you are in another, you can use technology to stay connected with each other. However if you’re home and you’re talking to your parents but you’re texting your friends you would be missing that true family togetherness that you could have had. A missed moment of opportunity.

From the video “connected but alone” they state “parents text and do email at breakfast and at dinner while their children complain about not having their parents full attention but these same children deny each other their full attention”. I fully agree with what the video states because we want to be able to control everything and technology allows us to do that. To only listen to what we want to hear and to see only what we want to appear. That’s why I agree and disagree that people spend too much time alone because of technology. We are connected, but alone.

You have more access to more information. You can use an app on your cell-phone instead of a planner to remind yourself of dates and assignments that are due soon. By using cell phones you would also be using less paper and help save trees. With cell phones learning could be more enjoyable and students might actually want to learn more. For example, they could look up a video on Earth science or a math site that has games and easier math tricks to help them study for a test. It has benefits to everyone. 

In conclusion all of the technology, youtube, and media we see and use daily whether good or bad we continue to use it because it keeps our lives interesting. It gives us so much that we couldn’t imagine a life without it.


"Connected, but Alone?" Sherry Turkle:. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Mar. 2015.

"Students Turn Their Cellphones On for Classroom Lessons." Education Week:. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Mar. 2015.

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