American Greed | Teen Ink

American Greed

March 4, 2015
By Eno752 BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
Eno752 BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Beats by Dr Dre.  Headphones with color and life used to listen to your favorite music.  But at what price?  The story behind these headphones too heard by few and acknowledged by even fewer.  Backroom deals and secret handshakes all part of what some would claim is just good business.  But is it really, and at what point do you draw the line?  Is it when it becomes unethical or maybe illegal or maybe you just go until you get caught.  Mr.Gielink might say that this is just basic capitalism at work supply, demand, and everything in between.  I would blame Greed.  Greed is not just a word anymore it is a state of mind, a lifestyle even.  With the up and coming prominence of various schemes and schemers like Bernie Madoff the type of selfishness that has been deep rooted in our culture is finally coming to light.  Greed is at the center of almost everything that happens in America.  From what career field you choose to even where you decide to go to college.  These are just some of the many decisions that we make that are influenced by the constant need to have more.  The materialistic nature of Americans has been scorned the world over.  Yet as a country we are unphased, as long as we get the new iPhone the week it releases. Does it matter if others have to pay the price?  When will this stop, some say never.  Every year psychologists are discovering people with new “diseases”  like compulsive buying disorder.  Whether or not such diseases are even real is up for speculation but what is undeniable is that this is a true American problem and the usual American strategy of throwing money at it might not work.

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