Are You For It Or Against It | Teen Ink

Are You For It Or Against It

February 19, 2015
By Ballhard_EW BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Ballhard_EW BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If you ever payed attention do you know that stores spies  on you. the reasons why I say this because they can get your information if you have your cellphone on in the store. Also they can track you everytime you go in the store, and they can get your id and sell it to different stores and take money out of of your account.
             The first example why I think that stores should not be able to spy on you is that they can get your information if you have your cellphone on. I say this because according to consumer reports it  said “ the retailer tracking system can identify individual shoppers by monitoring your phone's international mobile subscriber identity number or media access control address’’.
              The second example why I think that stores should not be able to spy on you is that they also can track every time you go in the store. I believe this because according to consumer reports it said that “they have gaze trackers that are hidden in tiny holes in the shelving and detect which brands your’re looking at and how long for each and there are even cameras that detect the age, sex, ethnicity and the expressions of passers.’’
              The third why I think that store should not be able to spy on you because they can get your id and sell it to different stores and take your money out of your account. I agree with this because according to opinionlab it said “ 77 percent of consumers said that in store cellphone tracking was unacceptable.”
                Overall, I think we should stop stores from getting our information. Some people many argue that some people say that its ok for stores to spy on us, but if they don’t it can go out of business.
                 Here’s the weakness, if I get my id stolen I won’t be able to buy anything anyway and stores would still go out of business.
                 When you weigh all the evidence you conclude that we should stop the stores from getting our information. This is important because I wouldn't want me or my family’s money being stolen from stores. As young americans lets spread the word that stores should not be able to spy on people.

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