Dark Night and Sunlight | Teen Ink

Dark Night and Sunlight

January 28, 2015
By Rebelgirl2018 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
Rebelgirl2018 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.

When I walk through these hallways all I see is a dark night, no one sticks out, everyones the same. These kids I go to school with are just there to be with their groups. These kids are labeled without even knowing. These kids are afraid of sticking out being their own person. These kids that think they stick out really don’t they are still in a group. Everyday I see the same people, same groups. When is there going to be sunlight that shines through these dark hallways. I thought our school colors were blue and white not dark night. Everyday I have to ask this group of girls to move so I can get to my locker. I get these dark devil eye stares from them. Sometimes I feel like they think im clueless, I am not good enough for them and their group because I don’t want to be dark night I want to be sunlight. Little do these groups understand that this is what everyone does and I dont think it will change. When is it finally going to change? how can it change? where would anyone know how to go out of their group and shine? how? I ask myself these questions everyday while im looking around at school. Everyone has someone they see as their sunshine. If you have to wonder who your sunshine is its a good possiblility your sunshine to someone else or to your self. Today will be the day when I find someone in need of some sunlight and I will be there sunshine. Today will be the day I break out of one group and be the person I want, not the person my friends want me to be. Today I might just go and join different groups that are willing to be friends with me. Today I will not be stuck, today I will finally find myself. Today I will be on the search for some sunlight and hide from the dark night.

The author's comments:

To branch out and be yourself.

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greatfull said...
on Feb. 5 2015 at 4:51 pm
I think it's awesome to want to be someone's light. You are very special!

sunflower said...
on Feb. 2 2015 at 10:08 pm
It was very nice loved it