Hip-Hop Hurts | Teen Ink

Hip-Hop Hurts

January 13, 2015
By BigSoup BRONZE, San Marcos, California
BigSoup BRONZE, San Marcos, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The age of the 2000’s was a dawn of new technology and ideas. With its birth came the notion that computer technology would throw us back in time. It was the future, but now we live it. It is the present. Very much like a freshly laid egg. It is a beautiful, shimmering object that, with its soft edges and features, appears kind and welcoming. But, when you crack it open and get to the heart of what it’s made of, you find yourself in the midsts of a yolk ridden disaster. Like most things, take the egg for example, it has its fair share of ups and downs. Just like hip-hop? Exactly. It’s hip and it makes us hop. Hip-hop has got us on our feet ever since the late 70’s, squirmin’ to some fly tracks and some depressingly terrible ones as well, but whether it’s Ladies Love Cool James or Snoop Dogg, 2 Chainz or Lil Wayne, you know you and your loved ones can gather around, snuggle up, and listen up. Oh, just kidding.

I don’t listen to much Hip-Hop. I’d love to be both hip and hop, but I find most Hip-Hop quite distasteful in, not so much its instrumental but, its lyrical composition. Hip-Hop, and some other genres like rap, require great rhythm and talent to produce, but the lyrics are morally degrading. To younger audiences, and also older listeners, these immoral lyrics are much more persuasive and stick in their naive and underdeveloped minds.  I will admit that Hip-Hop can be pretty sick, but no matter how sick, it is still a silent killer that crawls into our minds as he offers us a sense of enjoyment, only to destroy us and weaken our moral values.

Next time you find yourself in a sticky situation, like listening to Hip-Hop with quite vulgar lyrics, sing this Hippidy-Hoppidy rap instead, “Hip-Hop is tight. Hip-Hop is fly, but my friends are cooler and so am I.”

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