Problems | Teen Ink


January 10, 2015
By SIXX6 BRONZE, Reading, Other
SIXX6 BRONZE, Reading, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Stand up for what you believe in even if that means standing alone.

You can tell yourself life will get better all you want, but in reality the problems manifest into different situations. Each one wounding just as deep, like a wave knocking you down and submerging you under. But if you drown, who will dive in and save you from yourself?

The most common misconception of people is their personalities, as guards securing prisoners, the emotions ready to flood out. In life there are times when you want to cower away from the world, escape, but you can't hide forever.  That's how I cope with my problems. Music becomes my escapism and the rhythm shuts out societies glare from my view for the three minutes it blissfully plays.

A problem that has been drumming on my mind is school. You spend your childhood studying, preparing yourself for a world where parents, teachers or friends aren't there everyday to guide the way. A bird, after being cooped up in a cage needs to spread its wings.

But with school comes the constant trivial arguments, exams and bullying. To my friends, I portray the fantasy of a girl who is confident and isn't chipped away at by the constant comments and stares. At school there's always a crowed who think they have it all, that they are popular. Nothing is going to knock them off their pedestals. After school things like that no longer matter. That's what you have to keep reminding yourself. Do what you can, keep your head down and soon all the stress of exams and who's better than who wastes away leaving you again to recreate yourself to be judged by others. But if you keep hiding and clawing your way to the top will it make you loose yourself?

Another problem is teenage life, just another steeping stone to your inevitable end. Should we let these be our downfall of all are commitment and strength like many before us? Teenage life is when social media gets the chance to hook its claws in, cutting deep. I've felt its fire scorch the earth beneath my feet as a warning that walking on will not allow me to turn back. Whether to step forward or not is a debate between my legs and mind but the feeling when you know your never going to be accepted may just win. I get the states, the comment; the disapproving looks but shouldn't we express ourselves without being judged. Teenage years mean you are more conscious about not being in a relationship, branded as an 'emo' or opening up about your sexuality. That's my problem with teenage years, the constant easy manipulation to hide yourself.

Unfortunately, this leads to severe actions which shouldn't be the case, life shouldn't be that bad. Everyone tries their best, but don't turn out the light.

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