Weekend Story | Teen Ink

Weekend Story

January 8, 2015
By AbigailManning BRONZE, Vernon, Vermont
AbigailManning BRONZE, Vernon, Vermont
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This past weekend my mom told me a story about a special needs child that she works with. The kid had a birthday party the day before and he had invited the entire class, and not a single kid showed up. So the kid spent the entire time baking chocolate chip cookies with his parents. The next day he went around the entire school handing out cookies and that was how he celebrated his birthday. I cried after my mom told me that story. That kid in my eyes is incredible. Instead of being sad that no one showed up to his party he found his own way to have a good time. He could have been angry but instead he was generous. We need more people like that kid in our world. I hope that this story inspires others to be kind to each other. Because really, it doesn't take a lot.

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