The Bass, the River, and Sheila Mant | Teen Ink

The Bass, the River, and Sheila Mant

December 10, 2014
By Amy Luna BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Amy Luna BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Trying to fit in, into the world is something everyone has done in their lifetime. We try so hard to fit in with our peers, that we don’t even notice we lose ourselves. Who are you really? What’s your personality? Is it based on what people want from you? Most likely. Don’t you just want to be yourself for once? You were born different and unique, so why be like everyone else? Just imagine if everyone one in the world was the same the world would be dull and boring. We are almost getting to that point and all it takes to undo this problem is you. You can just be yourself not caring what people think of you. You’ll even have people following your footsteps. It’s not too hard being yourself, it’s one of the best things you can do. So why not start now?  I know what you’re thinking why be yourself? Well you were brought into the world different, everyone was brought into the world  different.  You were born yourself. Now like I said you’re not the only one with this problem.

In the book, the four-teen year old boy was in love with an older girl.  In The Bass, the River, and Sheila Mant, the girl was years older than he was, there was no hope that she will be with him. She had guys her age flirting with her, but he got the guts and asked her out, with the fear of rejection. Unexpectedly, she said yes. Well they went to a canoe, because the boy liked fishing, to be exact bass fishing. Now they got to know each other on this canoe ride, and she told him she hated fish with a passion. A while after he saw the biggest bass fish he had ever seen. Leaving us with the suspense of what he‘s going to choose the girl or the fish? I know you probably guessed it by now, he had chosen the girl. So everything goes great for him , BUT at the end the girl didn’t like the canoe ride and left with her guy friend on his car. Then he chooses never to pretend to be someone else and to always be himself.

 I don’t think he handled the situation well. He acted like someone he wasn’t and denied that he loved fishing. Even after he pretended to be someone he’s not, the girl still left. Therefore, he’s solution did not turn out the way he planned. He ended up regretting the fact that he didn’t get to catch that one bass fish. This is an exact situation where pretending to be someone you’re not turns out bad for him and most of these related situations never end up good. Demonstrating that pretending to be someone you’re not is never good and never ends up for you. Now I think you kind of get the point. You don’t want to end up like him. So be yourself no matter what people think. People will always judge you no matter who you are or who you pretend to be. You can’t pretend your whole life, it will get tiring and it’s never any good. So why not change everything right now and be you, the only thing that can make you the happiest.   

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