Hate in the Moshpit | Teen Ink

Hate in the Moshpit

October 27, 2014
By David Miles BRONZE, Camas, Washington
David Miles BRONZE, Camas, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do you listen to metal? Do you listen to Hardcore? Well you’re reading the right article. Shows are fun, and so is moshing, but both can be ruined by jerks. Metalheads, some of you guys need to be a lot nicer, because being rude in the pit can ruin the fun for everyone else, as well make is less accessible for new kids in the scene.
I had gone to a few shows before. They could be tons of fun depending on the band and the people there. That’s why I was really excited to see Barrier, and especially Oceano, a deathcore band that has written some of the heaviest music I’ve ever heard in my life. A few of my friends from Olympia were coming down to go to the concert with me. It was their first metal show and were just as excited as I was.

I remember sitting on my couch in my house, waiting for my friends to come. I was watching Avatar, eating popcorn, and listening to loud music, when they came in. It was pretty great to see Jordan and Adam. Jordan is one of my best friends, he’s Native American, and has a very outgoing personality, as well as some amazing hair. Adam is a lifeguard, super tan, and generally super fun to be around. Since I hadn’t seen them in a while. The next morning, we went to Portland. My friends had never been there before, and were  Later we drove to the Hawthorne area where the venue was.

We got to the venue just as the opening band was starting their set. It was fun at first, I got in a few small circle pits. But as the night progressed, more and more people trickled in. And the more people came, the more jerks came as well. During the set of one of the  bigger bands on the tour, one big guy was running around like an idiot. I was on the edge of the pit (A pretty dangerous place to be) then this guy runs straight at me purposefully and then pushes me so hard that I fell on the ground. I sort of wanted to flip him the bird but he was really big and so it kind of seemed like a bad idea. My friend got smacked in the face in the moshpit. I think my other friend was a little too scared to mosh since it was his first metal show.  The show was okay, the only bad thing was all of the JERKS. They practically killed the whole experience. My friends had never been to a show like that before. Maybe they don’t feel like being involved as much as they would’ve been. I mean, I know that this genre of music makes you want to punch stuff, but at least punch a wall or something, not other people.

So metalheads, stop punching people, just keep pushing and dancing, you don’t need to fight anyone. Some of the best shows I’ve been to have been where everyone was friendly, a person fell down someone would pick them up. People were aware of their surroundings, and wouldn’t push someone outside of the pit.  So just stop being a jerk, it’ll make it better for everyone else, new people in the scene will probably have a better time as well.

The author's comments:

I wrote this article for school. But I didn't just write because I had to. I wrote it because it's important that hardcore and metal be accesible towards outsiders. It's also necesesary that people looking in on the outside see as respectable citizens, not as criminals. (Which many of them already do.)

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