This I Believe | Teen Ink

This I Believe

May 22, 2014
By Hanna Loadholtz BRONZE, Cocoa, Florida
Hanna Loadholtz BRONZE, Cocoa, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” That statement we all chanted from our elementary years is one of the biggest lies ever told. No matter what anyone says, words do hurt, especially when they come from someone whose opinion matters to you.
All my life, all I was ever told was how I was “not good enough, ugly, fat, stupid, etc., etc.” and it’s something that I’ve never been able to fully get over because it was drilled into my head so much. The struggle to attain self-confidence and be happy with myself is virtually impossible. I constantly find myself comparing my body, mind, and looks to other people, no matter how much I try, it’s like a giant circle that I’m caught in. I have come to the conclusion that too often people just overlook the way they talk to others and the things they say and it’s taking a huge toll on a good portion of people, especially girls because of how easily our feelings tend to get hurt.
The slightest comment can either make or break someone. This society does more to break someone before it makes someone and it’s sad that people are so cold hearted and cruel to people just like them. Here’s what I don’t understand…How would you feel if a living, breathing person ended their life because of something you said? What if they already had serious issues with thoughts of suicide and insecurity gnawing upon their mind? How would you feel if you pressed that button that sent the message that happened to be the last straw that pushed someone off the edge of Life? Would you be satisfied knowing that a person just like you is lying in the coffin, out of life forever? No…? Then think before you speak because words hurt in more ways than people think about and it’s destroying the lives of many of the people around us.
I believe that society is becoming a monster in the way that we all treat each other. The thought of scarring someone with your words should be horrifying, but it’s not and that’s the sad part. If we all lived by the Golden Rule of, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” and genuinely loved people and didn’t hurt them, then this world would be such a better and happier place to live, but until then, this I believe that people are going to hate me and break me, but in the end, that’s what makes me, and there is nothing that I can do about it but simply treat people how I would want to be treated.

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