Equal Job Opportunities | Teen Ink

Equal Job Opportunities

May 26, 2014
By tasha wang BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
tasha wang BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

How does one define equal job opportunities? I define it as the availabilities of jobs to all. I believe everyone should have equal job opportunities, because of “human rights” and “civil rights”. Everyone has the right to work, and everyone should have ability to choose their job. As a society, people have to think about how to support one another, because if I can do something, others can also do it. The idea of civil rights and human rights is to allow all people to have the same rights, in dividing equal job opportunities.

In the U.S. there is a Civil Right Center. “Part of the Office of Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management, oversees EEO in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance.” [...] “CRC also assures equal opportunity for all applicants to and employees of DOL.” These are the programs that support equal job opportunities, because of the belief that everyone is equal, President Lyndon Barnes Johnson signed “Executive Order 11246” on September 24,1965 to prohibit federal contractors from discriminating against employees on the basis of race, sex, creed, religion, color, or national origin. There are many other programs and laws that protect a person's rights to a job. This means that there are jobs for everyone who desires to have one.

It’s better to have a job that requires an education because a person may make more money, and have skilled work. Being a skilled worker may allow one to make more money. For example, full time teachers can make more than $2,000 a month, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. “That translates to about $2,290 per month and to $27,450 per year for those who work full time.” Many high earning workers may have attended a college, university or technical school, they all have some special skill or knowledge about what they want to do. “The average wage of a highly skilled worker in the United States of America is $4,000 per month.” For people without an education, it is common that they earn below $2,000 per month, because most of the employees didn't attend a college and dropped out of school. My cousin graduated from college, he work at an office and earn more than $4,000 per month. He is a higher income worker, he earned more than $40,000 a year. Comparison to my father, who did not attend college, that is a lot of money. He earn less than $2,000 a month, he is a low income worker. However, my cousin still had the same payment as others who work with him in the same company. And my father has the same earnings as others who work with him. This means they still get the same opportunities in their working environment as their co-workers.

If person has more money and a wealthier family background, they have more access to job because of connections, and this they may be more likely to succeed. However, this is unfair. People should have equal job opportunity. Rich college students can afford to work summer internships for free. Summer internships are to help college students with that career. “A great thing about interning in summer is that it gives you a sense of preparation for the coming year.” Summer internships can help college students apply early to their dream company. Every college students should join. Rich college students can get it for free, it’s unfair for the poor college students. “Wealthier parents have the resources to provide more and learning opportunities for their students,” better education can help better job opportunities. However I think everyone have to has equal opportunities .

Some people may say that rich people should get higher income and good job opportunity because of their family. “Nearly 70% of the sons of top earning men have worked at their dad’s employer,” and “more than 40% of sons overall have worked at their father’ companies,” because of their relationship and connection, they can get more money. It’s unfair some father’ have raised higher income on their son. However, I think if his son is not yet a CEO (Chief Executive Officer) they should get the same payment as other workers, who have the same level of him.

Overall, I think a job should be available for anyone who needs a position. Everyone should get equal job opportunities, no matter what race, sex, or whether he/she is a educated or uneducated worker. Every skilled worker should pay the same, and every unskilled worker also should pay the same. Everyone should have the same job opportunities.

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