Profanity Weakens Humanity | Teen Ink

Profanity Weakens Humanity

May 20, 2014
By Booklover16 BRONZE, Cheney, Washington
Booklover16 BRONZE, Cheney, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Profanity is a cuss word by itself. What will one gain from cursing at another? The only things accomplished with harsh words are hurt feelings and dastardly spirits growing inside when we use such a fowl tongue. Profanity actually electrifies/heats up our body’s insides without us even realizing it. For those who cuss often, enough is enough! We must put a stop to such nonsense coming out of our mouths. Not only do we weaken those around us when we use profanity but we weaken ourselves as well.

Profanity is used in many different words: the f-bomb, s and h-words. These words are acts of desperation when used to get the point across to another during an argument, or when trying to prove one side of the story is right. I’ll be the first to admit that there are times when I’d like to use foul-mouth to let out my anger, so the whole world could know that I was mad about something, but that’s just the thing-our other annoyances, the things that reach deep into your nerves cause such vocabulary to pass through our lips. Say your friend is taking a test, she fails and drop the f-bomb right there in the classroom. Her own piece of frustration is failing in school, so she cusses to let out her aggression. When your friend does that she is also affecting those around her, even affecting you with those foul words. Cussing truly doesn’t mean anything except for being rude and allowing trouble into your life. Think about it.

Cussing in a small space is even worse, believe me. I remember riding all the way in the back of the bus on the way home. One day during the trip all I heard coming out of people’s mouths was foul language that was enough to cause me to explode. I felt the core of my insides burning with anger and even the sounds of my country music weren’t enough to drown out the words. The worst part was the students were talking like this for fun, no angry reason; the profanity flowed out like a waterfall.

Research states that out of the 80-90 words people say per day only .5% to .7% is profanity. (Spiritual Science Research Foundation) If you heard the students on the bus like I did, they must have reached an all time high of 75% of the words they spoke. It was truly enough to make me what to drop my anti-cuss attitude and shout in their faces with every angry and rude word I could come up with. However as a fellow Christian, it was against my code and I only held it in. At home I could finally be at peace with no harsh words. Whenever cursers even say one nasty thing it affects us anti-cursers and other fellow cursers it affects their joys in life, and only allowing them to see that the world is a curse upon their lives.

Why do people curse? Is it to look cool? Or is it to get in with the popular group? Well, here’s the news flash, it only makes one look insecure and irritating to be around. Not only does it hurt the person you’re cussing to but it sends one a negative spirit that you need to live with and that’ll come back and bite you whenever you let your guard down. Cussing electrifies systems in our bodies, heating up and sending anger around. (Luke) Now I understand that some may have their reasons for the harsh words and in some cases I could completely agree but most of the time profanity users are only hurting themselves. When you’re young, you don’t curse too often. It’s like your profanity is blocked up by a wall. But as you get older, you start cussing, breaking away at that wall that is known as self-control, eventually growing weaker with every cuss word used, and weakening everyone breathing the same air. Don’t lose your control, don’t let it take over your life.

Profanity is needless, cruel, and annoying to hear. Drop the act and be the nice person you can be. It will stop affecting our system, the percentage of cussing will plummet, and you’ll be even stronger than before. Profanity isn’t in control, you are.

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this piece is my own torment that I've went through to hear such profanity. I very much dislike it and I'm sure many others like me do as well.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 26 2014 at 6:33 pm
JesusandHisLawyers SILVER, Austin, Texas
7 articles 0 photos 99 comments

Favorite Quote:
"who the fuck has a favorite personal quote what does that even mean" - me, just now.

Cool fact about profanity: MRI scans show that the part of the brain that lights up when we swear is the same part of the brain that lights up in animals when they make noises of distress.  Swear words are just that, words, and to think that it is EVER okay to attempt to censor somebody because you don't care for what their saying is completely ridiculous.  Is there a time and a place for it? Yes, of course. But that doesn't mean you can stomp your food and demand that people stop saying "shit" when they stub their toe.